標題: The performance of GPS Standard Positioning Service without selective availability
作者: Shih, TY
Shih, HY
Yang, M
Department of Civil Engineering
公開日期: 1-七月-2001
摘要: The accuracy of the Standard Positioning Service of GPS has greatly improved after the termination of Selective Availability. Based on GPS observations from permanent GPS-fixed stations, the actual accuracy of GPS without SA is analyzed. For Station NCTU, the local geodetic coordinates are computed with the C/A code pseudo-ranges, and then transformed into a local grid system with Trans-Mercator projection. From 77984 single epoch observations collected in twenty-nine days, the 95% accuracy is found to be DeltaE : 17.6544m, DeltaN : 11.8236, DeltaH : 31.8018m. For five selected UNAVCO stations, the axes of error ellipsoid are computed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/29548
ISSN: 0039-6265
Volume: 36
Issue: 281
起始頁: 192
結束頁: 201