標題: Biological elimination of H2S and NH3 from wastegases by biofilter packed with immobilized heterotrophic bacteria
作者: Chung, YC
Huang, CP
Tseng, CP
Institute of Environmental Engineering
Department of Biological Science and Technology
關鍵字: hydrogen sulfide;ammonia;biofilter;Arthrobacter oxydans CH8;Pseudomonas putida CH11
公開日期: 1-六月-2001
摘要: Biotreatment of various ratios of H2S and NH3 gas mixtures was studied using the biofilters, packed with co-immobilized cells (Arthrobacter oxydans CH8 for NH3 and Pseudomonas putida CH11 for H2S). Extensive tests to determine removal characteristics, removal efficiency, removal kinetics, and pressure drops of the biofilters were performed. To estimate the largest allowable inlet concentration, a prediction model was also employed. Greater than 95% and 90% removal efficiencies were observed for NH3 and H2S, respectively, irrespective of the ratios of H2S and NH3 gas mixtures. The results showed that H2S removal of the biofilter was significantly affected by high inlet concentrations of H2S and NH3. As high H2S concentration was an inhibitory substrate for the growth of heterotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, the activity of H2S oxidation was thus inhibited. In the case of high NH3 concentration, the poor H2S removal efficiency might be attributed to the acidification of the biofilter. The phenomenon was caused by acidic metabolite accumulation of NH3. Through kinetic analysis, the presence of NH3 did not hinder the NH3 removal, but a high H2S concentration would result in low removal efficiency, Conversely, H2S of adequate concentrations would favor the removal of incoming NH3. The results also indicated that maximum inlet concentrations (model-estimated) agreed well with the experimental values for space velocities of 50-150 h(-1). Hence, the results would be used as the guideline for the design and operation of biofilters. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0045-6535(00)00211-3
ISSN: 0045-6535
DOI: 10.1016/S0045-6535(00)00211-3
Volume: 43
Issue: 8
起始頁: 1043
結束頁: 1050


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