標題: Magnetic energy bands of a 2D graphite layer in the spatially modulated magnetic field
作者: Chiu, Y. H.
Lai, Y. H.
Ho, J. H.
Chuu, D. S.
Lin, M. F.
Institute of Physics
關鍵字: graphite;modulated magnetic field;electronic structure
公開日期: 1-四月-2008
摘要: A 2D graphite layer exists in a spatially modulated magnetic field. The low magnetic energy bands, which are calculated from the Peierls tight-binding model, strongly depend on the period and strength of a modulated magnetic field. There are a lot of I D parabolic bands. Such bands exhibit the double degeneracy, strong energy dispersions, and extra band-edge states. Density of states owns many asymmetric square-root divergent structures, mainly owing to the band-edge states in 1D parabolic bands. The band-edge state energies decrease with the increasing field period, while the opposite is true for the dependence on the field strength. That a modulated magnetic field reduces dimensionality and thus drastically changes electronic properties could be examined by the experimental measurements. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2007.09.072
ISSN: 1386-9477
DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2007.09.072
Volume: 40
Issue: 6
起始頁: 2022
結束頁: 2024


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