标题: Channel allocation for GPRS
作者: Lin, P
Lin, YB
Department of Computer Science
关键字: dynamic resource allocation;fixed resource allocation;general packet radio service;wireless data
公开日期: 1-三月-2001
摘要: Based on the GSM radio architecture, general packet radio service (GPRS) provides users data connections with variable data rates and high bandwidth efficiency, In GPRS service, allocation of physical channels is flexible, i.e., multiple channels can be allocated to a user, In this paper, we propose four algorithms for the GPRS radio resource allocation: fixed resource allocation (FRA), dynamic resource allocation (DRA), fixed resource allocation with queue capability (FRAQ), and dynamic resource allocation with queue capability (DRAQ), We develop analytic and simulation models to evaluate the performance for these resource allocation algorithms in terms of the acceptance rate of both GPRS packet data and GSM voice calls. Our study indicates that DRAQ (queuing for both new and handoff calls) outperforms other algorithms.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/25.923050
ISSN: 0018-9545
DOI: 10.1109/25.923050
Volume: 50
Issue: 2
起始页: 375
结束页: 387


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