标题: Reaching fault diagnosis agreement under a hybrid fault
作者: Hsiao, HS
Chin, YH
Yang, WP
Department of Computer Science
关键字: Byzantine agreement;fault diagnosis agreement;fault-tolerant distributed system;hybrid fault model;mixed fault model
公开日期: 1-九月-2000
摘要: The goal of the fault diagnosis agreement (FDA) problem is to make each fault-free processor detect/locate a common set of faulty processors. The problem is examined on processors with mixed fault model (also referred to as hybrid fault model). An evidence-based fault diagnosis protocol is proposed to solve the FDA problem. The proposed protocol first collects the messages which have accumulated in the Byzantine agreement protocol as the evidence. By examining the collected evidence, a fault-free processor can detect/locate which processor is faulty. Then, the network can be reconfigured by removing the detected faulty processors and the links connected to these processors from the network. The proposed protocol can detect/locate the maximum number of faulty processors to solve the FDA problem.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/30268
ISSN: 0018-9340
Volume: 49
Issue: 9
起始页: 980
结束页: 986