標題: Bioconversion with whole cell penicillin acylase in aqueous two-phase systems
作者: Liao, LC
Ho, CS
Wu, WT
Department of Biological Science and Technology
關鍵字: penicillin acylase;whole cell;aqueous two-phase system;E. coli;6-APA;repeated batch
公開日期: 1-七月-1999
摘要: The deacylation of Pen G was carried out by using recombinant E. coli in an aqueous two-phase system consisting of polyethylene glycol and potassium phosphate solution, which partitions the cells to the bottom phase and the products to the top phase. Bioconversion and product separation were carried out in the same reactor. Repeated batch conversion was employed ten times and enzymic activity showed only a slight decline. When pure enzyme was used for bioconversion in an aqueous two-phase system, the decline was fast and bioconversion using whole cell penicillin acylase was better than that obtained using the pure acylase. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0032-9592(98)00099-5
ISSN: 0032-9592
DOI: 10.1016/S0032-9592(98)00099-5
Volume: 34
Issue: 5
起始頁: 417
結束頁: 420


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