標題: Imaging brain hemodynamic changes during rat forepaw electrical stimulation using functional photoacoustic microscopy
作者: Liao, Lun-De
Li, Meng-Lin
Lai, Hsin-Yi
Shih, Yen-Yu I.
Lo, Yu-Chun
Tsang, Siny
Chao, Paul Chang-Po
Lin, Chin-Teng
Jaw, Fu-Shan
Chen, You-Yin
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brain Research Center
關鍵字: Functional photoacoustic microscopy (fPAM);Electrical stimulation;Total hemoglobin concentration (HbT);Hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SO2)
公開日期: 15-八月-2010
摘要: The present study reported the development of a novel functional photoacoustic microscopy (fPAM) system for investigating hemodynamic changes in rat cortical vessels associated with electrical forepaw stimulation. Imaging of blood optical absorption by fPAM at multiple appropriately-selected and distinct wavelengths can be used to probe changes in total hemoglobin concentration (HbT, i.e., cerebral blood volume [CBV]) and hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SO(2)). Changes in CBV were measured by images acquired at a wavelength of 570 nm (lambda(570)), an isosbestic point of the molar extinction spectra of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin, whereas SO(2) changes were sensed by pixel-wise normalization of images acquired at lambda(560) or lambda(600) to those at lambda(570). We demonstrated the capacity of the fPAM system to image and quantify significant contralateral changes in both SO(2) and CBV driven by electrical forepaw stimulation. The fPAM system complements existing imaging techniques, with the potential to serve as a favorable tool for explicitly studying brain hemodynamics in animal models. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.03.065
ISSN: 1053-8119
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.03.065
Volume: 52
Issue: 2
起始頁: 562
結束頁: 570


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