標題: 未來2020光碟技術發展趨勢之研究
A study on Development Trend of Optical Disc to Future 2020
作者: 郭子豪
Tzu-hao Kuo
Benjamin Yuan
關鍵字: 光碟;光儲存;光記錄;技術預測;optical disc;optical storage;optical recording;technological forecasting
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 光碟的儲存技術雖已經成熟,但仍存在極大發展潛力,現在的光碟產品已經逐漸達到技術的物理極限,光碟產業無不積極尋求新的光碟技術以符合未來資訊生活之需求。
預期將完成以下預測目標;一.預測未來光碟儲存容量需求及新光碟技術, 二.預測未來光碟儲存技術發展及方向,三.對未來光碟儲存產業變化作預期分析與建言。
Although the storage technology of optical disc is mature nowadays, there is still potential space for developing. Actually, current technology of optical disc is close to physics limitaion. So optical disc industry is seeking new technology to satisfy future need.
According to some reports, the storage demand of computer surrounding will reach at least 1TB capacity after 2010. The new generation of optical disc will adopt latest principle, technique and material to develop higher capacity.
This thesis will study the capacity need of optical disc according to human activity and the candidates for future technologies by the demand. Besides, the development tendency of optical disc will be studied and forecasted extensively.
This thesis will apply“Patent Analysis”and“Life Cycle Theory”to forecast future technology of optical disc and compare with the former result by technical literature and experts’s opinion.
There will be three aspects as the following. 1. The trend of optical storage need and new technologies of optical disc. 2. Forecast the tendency and direction of future new technology for optical disc industry. 3. The analysis and suggestion for future developing of optical disc industry.


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