標題: 量化色分離現象之人眼視覺指標
Human Visual Perception for Color Breakup Evaluation Index
作者: 陳勝昌
Sheng-Chang Chen
Han-Ping D. Shieh
Yi-Pai Huang
關鍵字: 色分離;色序法;color breakup;field sequential
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 隨著液晶顯示器的蓬勃發展,液晶顯示技術也相對成熟,消費者對於各種顯示產品也趨向影像色彩更飽和、螢幕模組更輕薄、更省電為主要訴求,而色序法顯示器就是其中之一的技術產品。色序法其原理是利用在人眼視覺暫留的時間內,將紅、綠、藍三個色場累加起來,並在人眼視覺系統中結合成彩色的圖像,進而得到全彩畫面的顯示效果。 雖然它具有比目前其他的顯示技術更好的顯色特性,但是,卻有一潛在的缺陷──色分離(Color Breakup,CBU),除了會降低顯示影像的品質外,長時間的觀看亦有可能會造成眼睛的疲勞、身體的不適,是一個不可忽視的現象。 為了要針對色分離現象做影像品質評斷或是深入研究其原因,首先,我們需要有一完整的量化指標。因此,本論文基於等速追跡的眼動方式提出一種有效評斷分析色分離現像的人眼視覺指標(Color Breakup scores, CBU#),不僅考慮人眼空間中的解析能力同時還考慮到其色彩資訊的變化。我們以現有的色序法顯示器與眼動儀建立對CBU進行量化、評估,然而,不同觀賞條件如:速度、亮度和觀賞距離等,所對應到色分離的關係也將在本文中做探討。最後,我們成功將此量化指標應用於採用不同演算法之5.6吋色序法顯示器上,也用以比較相同演算法的32”和15.4”兩者間之面板特性。爾後,此量化指標可應用在針對色序法顯示特性與CBU關聯為基礎的液晶顯示器上以評估影像品質。
During the last decade of the 20th century, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technologies have been progressing rapidly. With the popularization of multimedia application display devices, internet and wireless, computer and tremendous information interchange have become parts of our lives. The performances of the LCDs were required better and better such as higher color saturation, thinner LCD module, and lower power consumption. However, the Field Sequential Color LCD (FSC-LCD) was one of them which had these features in the LCD products. This method had taken the visual staying phenomenon which three Red, Green, and Blue color fields were integrated in the human visual system. Then, the full color images were perceived by the observers. However, the performances of the FSC-LCDs were better than others. But the Color Breakup (CBU) phenomenon was the most issue of the FSC-LCDs. This issue will degrade the image quality of human visual perception and the observer’s eye will feel uncomfortable under the CBU phenomenon. In order to study or solve the CBU issue, we should need an evaluation index at first. Therefore, we proposed a CBU evaluation index, Color Breakup scores (CBU#), to quantify the CBU phenomenon in this thesis. We based on the smooth pursuit eye movement to establish this evaluation index which can not only consider the human visual perception but also the color information. Then, the more relations between the CBU# and viewing conditions such as brightness, velocity, and viewing distance will be discussed. Finally, this index can be applied successfully on 32”, 15.4”, and 5.6” FSC-LCDs for CBU evaluation.