標題: 螺旋電感之局域化磁場對Hela和PC-12細胞生長影響之研究
The Investigation of Localized Magnetic Effect on the Growth of In-vitro Hela and PC-12 Cells Using On-glass Spiral Inductor
作者: 陳永昌
關鍵字: 低頻電磁場;細胞增值;局域化;聚對二甲苯;ELF EMF;Cell proliferation;Localized;Parylene
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文是利用在玻璃上製造的螺旋電感產生之正弦交流磁場,在微尺度下培養細胞,藉以觀測局域化低頻電磁場對細胞增殖的影響。玻璃基板結合具有生物相容性的Parylene-C沉積做絕緣處理,提供一個可以利用倒立顯微鏡做長時間培養觀測的環境。最佳化的散熱設計結合培養皿消除掉在玻璃上可能產生的熱效應,並且經由模擬和實驗驗證,將溫度變異控制在1°C內。在暴露於1.1mT,60Hz的磁場下連續72小時,Hela和PC-12細胞在相較於正常沒暴露對照組情況下,分別減少了25.9%和21.8%的增殖速度。
This paper has shown the localized ELF EMF effect on cell proliferation in micro scale using localized sinusoidal magnetic field induced by an on-glass spiral inductor. Glass substrate combined Parylene-C deposition for insulation which is bio-compatible, provide a environment for long term observation by inverted microscope. Best design of heat dissipation combined culture dish eliminated the possible thermal effect, and had been verified by simulation and experiment that control the temperature variation around 1°C. In vitro Hela cancer cells and PC-12 pheochromocytoma cells exposed to the localized magnetic field of ~1.1mT, 60Hz have seen a significant reduction of 25.9% and 21.8% in cell proliferation rate after 72 hours, respectively.