標題: 全球微波存取互通介面高增益天線陣列及電磁帶隙結構之應用
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) High Gain Antenna Arrays with Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structure’s Applications
作者: 陳建宏
關鍵字: 高增益天線;微帶天線;有限接地面;電磁帶隙;表面波;high gain antenna;microstrip antenna;finite ground;electromagnetic band-gap;surface wave
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 全球微波存取互通介面(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, WiMAX)具有無線、遠距傳輸、寬頻等優點,將是下一代無線通訊系統標準之ㄧ。本論文中,我們將研究適用於3.4GHz-3.7GHz頻段的高增益天線陣列,並且能夠符合歐洲電信標準局(European Telecommunication Standards Institute, ETSI)規範的要求。 我們藉由提升微帶天線結構的高度來使設計的天線陣列能符合此系統頻段的頻寬與增益要求。 在論文中,我們設計無鉚釘(via)的電磁帶隙結構(electromagnetic band-gap:EBG),也有人將此種結構稱為光子能隙(photonic band-gap:PBG),透過結合微帶天線,可以了解電磁帶隙對天線性能的影響,更進一步改善微帶天線的輻射場形,抑制介質中表面波的激發。
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) has the advantages: wireless, far-distance transmission and wideband. It will be one of the wireless communication system standards in the next generation. In this thesis, we will research high gain antenna arrays suitable for 3.4GHz-3.7GHz WiMAX communication system, and it also satisfies ETSI specification. We use microstrip antennas by increasing the height of antenna structure to let the antenna arrays can conform to this system bandwidth and gain requirement. In this thesis, we will design an electromagnetic band-gap(EBG) structure without via. We also label it to photonic band-gap(PBG). By combining it with microstrip antenna, we can understand its effects on the properties of antenna. Further more, we can improve the radiation patter of the microstrip antenna and suppress surface wave’s exitation in the substrate.


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