標題: 因應SARS衝擊,振興來台旅遊產業之策略
Strategies for Inbound Tourism Recovery in Response to the SARS Outbreak in Taiwan
作者: 黃粹芳
Tsui-Fang Huang
Jeng-Hung Huang
Her-Jiun Sheu
關鍵字: 觀光業;策略;模糊層級分析法;Tourism Industry;Strategy;Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 根據世界觀光旅遊委員會(World Travel & Tourism Council;簡稱WTTC)預估,未來十年全球觀光產業有卓越之成長,其中旅遊支出自4.21兆美元增至8.61兆美元;觀光旅遊產業對GDP貢獻率也將自3.6%增加至3.8%;其就業人數更將自目前之1.98億增至2.5億,觀光業將與科技產業共同被視為二十一世紀的明星產業(WTTC,2002)。有鑑於此,行政院「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」中,明定第五項發展計畫為「觀光客倍增計畫」。此計畫的願景係以致力追求國際觀光客倍增之目標為動力,集中各相關部門的力量,按先後緩急改善我國旅遊環境臻於國際水準。 然而,正當台灣致力於促進本島觀光產業各項政策發展之際,嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,簡稱 SARS)於2003年初隨著自大陸廣東返台商人的帶原,展開了流行。隨之,世界衛生組織(World Health Organization:WHO)在5月8日,將台北市列入旅遊警示名單(Travel advisory list),5月21日更將整個台灣列為旅遊警示區(Travel warnings)。SARS爆發之際,為避免再有輸出及輸入之病例,台灣政府決定實施特定的相關旅遊管制程序,以期能防止來台旅客流量急遽地下滑。後因整體SARS防疫績效卓著,世界衛生組織於6月17日將台灣從SARS旅遊警示名單中解除,並於7月5日從感染區除名。SARS疫情爆發以來,觀光業者共同之願望,是希望政府能嚴格執行防疫措施,儘速控制SARS疫情;並提供正確即時資訊,恢復消費大眾信心,活絡觀光旅遊市場;對於SARS所造成的財務壓力,業者也期待政府能給予紓困、延貸、降息或補貼等政策援助。針對業界的需求,政府如何傾聽業者聲音,協助業界度過難關,以面對突如其來的疫情所造成的觀光損失,應是後SARS時代,政府必須努力的重要施政。而在政府致力於觀光旅遊產業發展之際,當面臨到突如其來的天災人禍等不可抗拒的因素時,如何從中記取教訓,並發展出一套良好運作的策略及機制,是政府相關機關等應具備的能力及業者所殷切的期盼。 因此,本研究主要目的為發展一套具有模糊多屬性的策略評估模式,以供政府主管機關及觀光旅遊業者評選決策之參考。經由文獻探討回顧,檢視因應策略的目標,並建構符合多屬性的策略評估準則。並利用模糊多屬性評估方法,得到因應策略的優先排序,研究結果分別為:拓展國內旅遊景點;給予企業營運資金融通;增加來台免簽證及落地簽證國;吸引多元化旅客;建立防SARS標準步驟;設立防治SARS安全標章制度;旅遊安全保障方案;稅負減免;提升從業人員服務品質;推出旅遊優惠促銷方案;利用媒體提供正確客觀疫情資料;舉辦安心考察、採訪、見證之旅;暫緩通報旅行業票據拒絕往來戶;辦理參加大型國際旅展;成立「重振市場業界分工小組」。
For Taiwan, tourism has played a significant role in enhancing the island’s international exposure. In view of this trend, a state policy “Challenge 2008: Plan for Multiplying Tourism” has been issued by the Executive Yuan to promote Taiwan’s tourism industry. The goal is to have 5 million visitors by 2008. However, while the Taiwanese government was just about to initiate promotional campaigns for tourism, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak has caused the most harm to the island in its recent history. The SARS epidemic sapped the Taiwanese economy, and led government officials to reduce the estimated 2003 GDP growth from 3.7% to 2.9%. Unemployment jumped to 4.8% and export growth declined to 4.1% from 7.5% (Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, 2003). SARS dealt an especially severe blow to the Taiwanese tourism industry, with the worst impact on inbound tourism. The aim of this study is to develop recovery strategies for future events, by mapping the revitalization of Taiwan tourism after the SARS devastation. This study combines a fuzzy decision-making theory method with AHP to evaluate strategies to invigorate Taiwan’s inbound tourism. Through the development of tourism recovery strategies, the negative impact can be minimized. Highlights of measurements derived from this research are stated below in sequence of ranking: Develop and upgrade domestic tourism attractions, finance working capital for enterprises, grant visa exempt status or landing visas to more countries, attract a diversity of tourists, establish SOP (Standard of Procedures) for SARS, institute safety labeling system for SARS precaution, travel safety protection plan, taxation reduction, upgrade the service quality of related professionals, promote traveling package campaigns…etc.

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