Title: 頸椎融合器之鞭甩傷害研究
A whiplash injury study with cervical spinal cages
Authors: 王俊惟
Chun-wei Wang
Keywords: 頸椎;cervical vertebra
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究的方向主要模擬一位頸部動過融合手術之乘客,其坐於車內經由後車撞擊過程中,因發生鞭甩效應,造成頸椎後彎程度過大,造成融合器擠壓頸椎元件,造成頸椎元件的變形,最後評估頸椎元件是否超過抗壓強度。接觸分析亦為本研究的重點之一,文中探討有限單元接觸分析之相關設定與原理,證實用有限單元分析接觸行為有其一定的可信度。 而後將分析結果與文獻比較,發現其第六節頸椎之脊椎骨已超過其所能承受的抗壓強度,而鬆質骨則未超過所能承受的抗壓強度。
The main purpose in this research is to utilize the three segments of cervical vertebra model of finite element,to simulate a patient who has been suffered cervical fusion surgery and sit in the car which suffered the rear-impact,because cause the whiplash effect,make the curved degree of the cervical vertebra too large,and then make the cage to compress the other components of cervical spine induce the deformation of the components of cervical spine and the cage,at alst take stock the other components of cervical spine whether in the compressive strength.The analysis of contact is also the important part of research,in this research,we investigated the settings and principles associate with the analysis of contact of finite element,and prove that is correct of the behavior of contact for using finite element. And then compare analysis result with compressive strength of the references,the result show the vertebra of the cervical vertebra of its section six has been exceed the compressive strength,and the cancellous bone has not gone beyond the compressive strength that can bear.
Appears in Collections:Thesis