標題: 利用雙軸向翹曲機構做聚焦與尋軌的微光機構設計與分析
Design a Bi-axis Seesaw Mechanism for Focusing and Tracking in Small Form Factor Optical Drive
作者: 田凱文
Kevin Tian
Stone Cheng
關鍵字: 光碟機;微型讀寫頭;微型機構;Swing Arm;Pickup Head;Optical Disk Drive
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 藉由傳統硬碟機構為設計藍本,配合參考美國DataPlay公司所生產的Topy微型光碟機,及配合搜尋其他相關產品與專利和論文所設計出的新型機構。此新型機構,利用雙軸向翹曲機構運動模式,並且成功設計且實驗完成,經由設計分析做實驗結果印證性能。性能上可提供一定程度的頻寬,達到聚焦與尋軌的功能需求。且機構簡單和製作容易,比傳統機構減少相當多零件為其優點。而經過模擬的結果,機構運動可達所預期的作動方式,可做為精密機構的準確定位平台控制之用,期待後進更能夠將此機構改良為微型光學系統的適用載具。
As is known, in a disk drive, pickup head, such as suspension term, for focusing action is conventionally mounted optical head on one end of aside arm, which utilizes material of piezoelectricity or slim plate of metal. Due to performance of the traditional product is not quite perfect and mechanism is complicated. The paper aim at mechanism and try to improve capability. According to the original modal of the DataPlay drive, and drawn a model, simulated substantive body. It is a similar one that has a little different from original. The modal utilized CAD package software, as SolidWorks or Pro/e…etc. Through several times, it had been shaped it remain the essential factor inherent in mechanism. After designing, the new structure used to ANSYS that is CAE package software to analyze each state and how changed. As pointed out the new design, it is clear from motion type that the focusing and tracking movement are not equal tradition form. Further, as the paper knows from the previous study, so it shall investigate how these are built in small form factor optical drive. Lastly, for realizing simulated the new mechanism of Seesaw type, and found it more convenient to have available a method for the small form factor optical drive and portable consumer electronics devices. Having seen the new structure, compared with product of Topy and others research, are relatively simple pickup head that are designed readily for wide bandwidth, easily manufacture and fabricate. As the result of seesaw type of the new structure, the paper further develops the design on which a new mechanism will base on the seesaw type.