標題: 以資料探勘法鏈結顧客知識管理於創新性產品開發專案之研究
作者: 陳永信
Yung-Hsin Thomas Chen
Chao-Ton, Su
David, Yung-Jey Sha
關鍵字: 顧客知識管理;資料探勘;創新性產品開發;行動商務;Customer knowledge management;Data mining;Innovative product development, Mobile-commerce;Web-based market survey
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 摘 要 當今知識經濟中,知識被視為組織內的資產,推行知識管理有助於公司開發創新性產品及制定關鍵性的策略決策。產品的創新必須鏈結顧客知識到產品設計及製程上的技術能量,使上市的產品滿足顧客需求,以在市場上獲致成功。儘管知識管理在技術創新上的重要性長久以來已被認知,然而對於顧客知識上所能發揮的效益卻尚未廣為研究,所以本論文提出一個整合性知識管理模型之概念架構以及實施應用時之方法論,來論述創新性產品開發中同步管理產品知識和顧客知識,有助於降低產品風險並獲得市場成功。 在知識管理領域中,最重要的任務就是將隱性知識轉換成顯性知識。此時可借重資訊科技如網際網路市場調查法和資料探勘法(如多變量分析,類神經網路)先進行市場區隔作業,再來萃取各市場區隔內的顧客知識。在本研究中,此整合性知識管理模型已實際應用於一項和行動商務相關的產品開發專案,資料探勘的結果滿足了多項評鑑準則,因而讓開發團隊作出重要的產品型態規劃決策。本論文的貢獻在於原創出一個鏈結顧客知識於創新性產品開發專案的新方法論,兼顧KM理論架構和產品開發實務,並在顧客KM流程中導入計量方法,既有原創性的學術貢獻,也能夠在產業界實際應用。
ABSTRACT In today’s digital economy, knowledge is regarded as an asset in organization, and the implementation of knowledge management supports a company in developing innovative products and making critical management strategic decisions. Product innovation must link technological competence such as engineering and process know-how with customer knowledge, so that the product will meet the customers’ needs, in order to secure market reception. Even though the importance of knowledge management in the technological product innovation has long been recognized, its potential for customer knowledge has not been widely studied. To address the need of customer knowledge in innovative product development, this dissertation proposes an integrated knowledge-management model with a methodology to precisely delineate the process of congruently managing product knowledge and customer knowledge for innovative product development. In the knowledge management domain, an important task is the conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, allowing information technology application such as web-based surveys and data mining approach to extract customer knowledge from different market segments. An empirical study applying the proposed integrated knowledge-management model has been carried out in a Mobile-commerce oriented Telematics product development project. The result meets the evaluation criteria in a multiple-assessment scheme for showing a satisfactory justification. This study makes a contribution toward the creation of a new methodology by linking innovative product development with customer knowledge, in order to reduce project risk and ensure market success.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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