Title: 用掃描穿隧顯微鏡測量硒化鉛量子點陣列之電子傳輸行為
Electrical Transport in PbSe Quantum Dots Array by Using Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Authors: 吳俊吉
Jiun-Ji Wu
Wen-Bin Jian
Keywords: 掃描穿隧顯微鏡;硒化鉛;量子點陣列;傳輸;scanning tunneling microscope;PbSe;quantum dots array;tansport
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 硒化鉛為一具有窄能隙0.28 V的半導體,是個適合在長波長及紅外光波段之光電元件應用上的材料。近年來,除了單一量子點的研究外,更發現到硒化鉛所組成的量子點陣列有著場效電晶體跟記憶等特性,因此對於量子點陣列的研究成為近年來熱門的課題。

The PbSe semiconductor having a narrow band gap of 0.28 eV is suitable for applications in optoelectronic device, especially in long wave length and infrared waveband. Recently, PbSe quantum-dot arrays attract much attention due to a demonstration to build field-effect transistors and memory effect devices.

In this study, we try to investigate electron transport in PbSe QD arrays by using a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope in a ultra-high vacuum. The PbSe QDs dispersing in toluene were deposited on a gold surface. Two-dimensional islands of QD arrays with various sizes formed on the substrate via a self-assembly process. I-V curves on QD arrays were obtained through scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements. We adopted double-tunneling-junction model and MW model to analyze our data.

Taking the QD array as an isolated metal island, we can obtain resistances and capacitances according to the double-tunneling-junction model. The estimated resistances and capacitances show a dependence on the size of the QD array. On the other hand, the MW model was used to analyze I-V curves in voltage range above a threshold voltage. We obtained the size dependence of threshold voltage (Vth) and the dimensional parameter ζ. We believe that the result come from a strong capacitive coupling between QDs. We have explored collective electron transport in the PbSe QD arrays as a function of the array sizes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis