標題: 非同步鎖模光纖光固子雷射之雷射動力學
Laser Dynamics of Asynchronous Mode locked Fiber Soliton Lasers
作者: 張宏傑
Hon-Chieh Chang
Yinchieh Lai
關鍵字: 鎖模雷射;光纖雷射;非同步鎖模;mode-locked lasers;fiber lasers;asynchronous mode-locked
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 非同步鎖模光纖光固子雷射有著令人感興趣的特性,例如:脈衝參數的慢速週期性變化,良好的低雜訊表現等。它們應該可以應用在高速光通訊,超快光處理,和其他科學上的研究。本論文之主旨在研究如何以藉由直接分析雷射輸出光脈衝序列之電子頻譜圖來獲得有關脈衝時間位置和脈衝中心頻率的慢速週期性變化之振幅大小,從而可與理論分析與模擬結果來作比較。透過這樣的研究,我們得以深入了解非同步鎖模光固子雷射之特性並發展其應用。
Asynchronous mode-locked fiber soliton lasers have some interesting properties including slow periodic variation of the pulse parameters and excellent low noise performance. They may find applications in high speed optical communication, ultrafast optical processing, and other scientific researches. The study of the thesis is focused on how to characterize the slow periodic variation of the pulse timing position and the pulse center frequency by directly analyzing the RF spectra of the laser output pulse train. The measured results are compared with theoretical results to enhance our understanding on the laser dynamics of asynchronous mode locked fiber soliton lasers. This will also help to develop the applications of this new laser source.


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