標題: 以多向度試題反應理論量測兒童步行上放學之能力
Applying the Multidimensional Item Response Theory to Measure Children’s Walking Ability to School
作者: 邱美珍
關鍵字: 步行能力;多向度試題反應理論;Walking Ability;Multidimensional Item Response Theory
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 兒童行人因欠缺安全知識及自我保護能力而使其具有較高之交通事故風險,我國及世界各國皆致力於走路上學計畫之推動,然而兒童是否具備足夠之步行能力以應付複雜之道路環境,卻有待商榷。目前研究大多僅探討某項能力對兒童交通行為之影響,但本研究認為兒童並非具備某項能力就能夠安全地獨自步行,而是須具備多項能力。因此本研究藉由文獻回顧歸納兒童須具備之各項能力包括有注意力集中能力、注意力轉換能力、風險感認能力及過馬路能力,根據各項能力之操作型定義設計問卷進行量測,其中注意力集中能力部分因不易以集中概念設計問卷,因此改為注意力分散程度,另外加入社會期許量表,避免兒童朝社會期許方向作答。 為克服傳統分析方法將李克特順序尺度當成等距尺度進行統計運算與推論之結果詮釋與推論之爭議,嘗試以試題反應理論量測兒童獨自步行上放學能力,以獲得較真實之兒童獨自步行能力。多向度試題反應理論又包括單向度、Consecutive及多向度試題反應理論,本研究以三種方法進行分析,並比較各種分析方法之模式適合度與信度,以獲得最適合本研究之模式。 本研究欲調查國民小學四至六年級步行上放學學童之步行能力,因此將台灣本島縣市依大都會區、都會區及其他縣市分類,並依各分類內學生人數進行問卷抽樣份數分配,並隨機抽取各分類內學校進行問卷調查,本研究共抽取10間學校,回收有效份樣本2453份。透過試題反應理論求得兒童注意力分散能力、注意力轉換能力、風險感認、及過馬路之能力值,探討各種模式與傳統方法之分析結果及各項能力間之關聯性。進一步利用單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析探討家庭交通安全教育及學校交通安全教育對兒童獨自步行能力之影響。 本研究之研究結果可供交通安全教育內容設計者編製適合國小學童之教育內容,讓各校瞭解自己學校學生較缺乏的知識與技能及學校學生各項能力擁有情況,以排定適當的訓練策略。另外,本研究以多向度試題反應理論量測兒童各項能力,因此可提供較多資訊讓家長及學校能夠依據個別兒童狀況訂定訓練對策,以提升兒童步行上放學能力。最後,學校及家庭交通安全教育對兒童步行能力皆有重大影響,然而其影響程度不同,因此本研究建議,家庭交通安全教育應著重於注意力專注與注意力轉移能力之訓練;學校交通安全教育則著重於風險感認能力與過馬路能力之訓練。
School children experience high traffic accident risk due to their lack of safe koowledge and self-protection ability. Nowadays, many countries devote to promote the Walk-to-School program; however, whether the children have enough abilities to face the complicated road environments is doubted. Through the literature review to conclude the abilities that child have to have, including switching attention, concentration, risk perception and roadway crossing abilities and design questionnaire to collects a set of valuable information based on the operational definition. To conquer the dispute about explaining and reasoning the results of traditional methods that uses the ordinal scale as interval scale, the study tries to measure children walking abilities by Item Response Theory to get more real abilities of children. The Item Response Theory includes unidimensional, consecutive and multimensional models. The study uses three models to measure ablilties and compare the statistic of goodness-of-fit and reliability of three models to get the best model of the study. The study interviews the 9-11 years studends. Classifying contries and counties into three categories and sampling based on the number of elementary students of each category. The study collects 2453 samples from 10 schools. Then, exploring children’s switching attention, concentration, risk perception and roadway crossing abilities and their correlations by Item Response Theory and comparing the results with traditional methods. Furthermore, the study uses one-way ANOVA and regression to discuss the influence of school and parental traffic safety education on the walking ability. The results can suppy to traffic safety education designer to design the suitable education, allow the teachers and parents to know children’s lack of knowledge and skills and establish the best strategy to improve children walking abilities. Further, the study provides more information about abilities, the parents and teachers can train their children in different ways according to how much abilities the children have already had. Finally, both school and parental traffic safety education influence children walking abilities, but the influence level is different. So the study suggests that the parental education should focus on training switching attention and concentration abilities; school education should focus on training risk perception and roadway crossing abilities.


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