標題: 半導體晶圓專業製造與設計產業潛力發展之多評準決策
Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Proactive Strategies of IC Design and Wafer Foundry Business
作者: 羅美珍
Mei-Chen Lo
Prof. Dr. Chun-Yen Chang
Prof. Dr. Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
關鍵字: 晶圓專工;企業策略;多評準決策;模糊積分;群組決策;模糊數;Wafer Foundry;Business Strategy;MCDM;Fuzzy Integral;Group Decision Making;Fuzzy Numbers
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 電子產業是二十世紀全球性的大產業之一,且為各國爭相發展的工業,而IC產業則為電子產業之關鍵元件工業,其技術的不斷創新更是驅動電子產品功能進步與產業成長的原動力。 台灣深耕電子產業,過去二十餘年來,產業發展結構急遽改變,積極在有限的資源條件與既有環境下,創造更大的產業價值。台灣產業升級的調整過程中,高科技產業位居產業主流的角色並累積了厚實的發展潛力。但目前的發展與先進國家相較,仍有一段差距,亟需在多方面有所突破,才能建立新的競爭優勢: 提升產業整體科技水準,擴大產業利基,提昇競爭力,促進產業永續發展,放眼全球逐鹿市場。 知識創新經濟時代帶動加速全球化的腳步,資金、人才、技術及商品在國際間快速移動,新加入的競爭者、低成本以及產品生命週期快速短縮等現象,衝擊了全球包括台灣的經濟與產業發展。 鑑於產業發展指標具備多目標與複雜性,且存在相互衝突之特性,本研究以個案研究方式,採定性和定量方法的組合,運用多目標決策方法結合模糊理論、SWOT分析、KSF模式及群組專家的觀點,針對企業潛力發展之關鍵指標與決策因素,進行策略/方案的評估與規劃。各種方法的應用與結果比較,彰顯出方法論的特徵及其解決管理實務問題的能力。研究的結果亦證明, 所提出的方法應用可為實用且有效的決策輔助工具。
The electronic sector is of great importance for Taiwan industry. For about two decades it has flowered substantially and has had prominent market performance. This study raises the problem of the proactive business strategies for IC (integrated circuit) design and wafer foundry business when they face the threats from new joining competitors, low cost issue, talent shortage, policy frustration, etc. The purpose of the study is to develop and examine the analytical methods in the field of technology management and decision making. The methods that can support the decision-making practices used by decisive objects for promoting the industrial development in highly variable and challenging environment. The Environment which is characterized by rapidly changing technology, shortening product life-cycle, innovative activities in information quality and knowledge management. The evaluation of sustainable IC design and wafer foundry business development issues have been performed by means of multiple criteria decision making methods. The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was employed. These different methods used for strategy ranking and supplemented by experts’ intuitional opinions, gave the opportunity to disclose the important features of the strategies and their relationships. From the methodological point of view, the comparison of various methods and approaches brighten their characteristics and ability to solve the practical management problems. The study proved that the proposed methods can be useful auxiliary tools for practical decision making.