標題: 情節資料庫架構之發展
The Development of a Scenario Database Structure
作者: 姚智仁
Chih-jen Yao
關鍵字: 情節設計;資料庫;活動理論;質性研究;紮根理論;Scenario-based design;Database;Activity Theory;Qualitative Research;Grounded Theory
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 情節設計是目前常被業界使用的設計法之一,所謂情節設計是指在產品或系統發展過程中,用情節為主要設計表徵,以使用導向去描寫使用的狀況。情節的定義為使用者的故事,即對使用者活動的描述,被用在設計過程中以幫助描述現況、發掘使用者需求、預想未來狀況以及做為溝通工具。但情節設計在使用上可能會有一些缺點:完整性不足、決策偏誤、情節難以掌握、情節無法重複使用。
Scenario-based design is one of often-used design methods. It uses scenarios as the main design representation in the product or system development, and describes use situations in use-orientation. The definition of scenario is users’ story, the description of users’ activities. Scenarios are used in design process to help describing situation, discovering user’s needs, envisioning the future, and as a communication tool. But there may be some pitfalls when using scenario-based design, including incompletion, decision bias, hardness to handle, and reuseless.
For the problems described above, the researcher believes that they can be improved by the characteristics of database, so this study tries to propose a scenario database structure. In the beginning, a scenario descriptive structure was proposed in the basis of Activity Theory. To verify this structure, the researcher uses in-depth interview with 6 motorbike users to gather their experiences and thoughts about their activities. Through a series of analysis in qualitative research method, especially the Grounded Theory, this study has found key factors affecting activities, and interactions and affections among these factors from these data. As a result, these findings are used as the guidelines of the scenario database design and a scenario database structure is proposed. The proposed structure could be used as the description and record of scenarios, and the guidelines of user interviews


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