Title: 一個以PKI 為基礎的匿名性車間通訊機制
A PKI-based Anonymous Communications Mechanism for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications
Authors: 潘建全
Chien- Chuan Pan
Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: 汽車行動網路;匿名性機制;信賴機制;惡意節點;Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET);Anonymous mechanism;Trust model;Malicious node
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 汽車隨意網路(VANET)延伸行動式隨意網路(MANET)概念發展以符合車間通 訊的技術需求,透過車間通訊進行交通資訊分享可協助交通安全防護與自動化。 當進行資訊分享時使用者資訊與行為可被追踨及收集,利用匿名性的通訊方式將 可達到使用者隱私的保護。本研究提出一個具有匿名性的車間通訊機制,在非集 中式架構下有效利用PKI 達成匿名性的要求,並提出憑證使用期限評估方法維持 通訊的匿名性。同時利用收集相鄰節點資訊的方式,提出訊息可靠性評價方法滿 足訊息匿名性與可靠性的平衡。經安全性分析本研究所提出的車間通訊機制可達 到通訊匿名之要求;透過實驗模擬與資料分析,憑證使用期限評估方法能有效維 持80%的通訊匿名率,訊息可靠性評價方法對惡意訊息可達到70%的識別率。
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) extended Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) concept of development to meet the technical requirements for vehicle-to-vehicle communication. V2V traffic communications through the sharing of information can help traffic safety protection and automation. When communications share information, the user data and behavior may be traced and the collected. The anonymous communications can solve the problem. The objective of our research is to provide an anonymous communications mechanism for vehicle-to-vehicle communications. Based on decentralized architecture and using PKI reached the requirements of anonymity effectively. And provide the credential using time evaluation method. At the same time using the information collected from adjacent nodes, we construct the message reliability evaluation method to meet the balance between anonymous and reliability. Through the safety analysis of V2V communication mechanism, our research can reach the request of anonymous communication. After simulation and data analysis, the credential using time evaluation method can keep 80 percent rate of anonymous communication and message reliability evaluation method can reach 70 percent recognition rate.
Appears in Collections:Thesis