标题: 市场指数型担保债权凭证之评价-Implied Copula法之应用
Valuing Index Collateralized Debt Obligations Tranches-Using Implied Copula
作者: 林意珊
Lin, Yi-Shan
关键字: 担保债权凭证(CDO);信用违约交换(CDS);信用违约交换指数(CDS index);关联结构(copula);信用价差(credit spread);CDO;CDS;CDS Index;copula;credit spread
公开日期: 2007
摘要:   资产证券化源自于1970年代,随着1997年东南亚金融危机及1998年韩国的金融危机,造成许多公司纷纷倒闭。金融机构因此产生许多因信用违约而损失的借款,故各类型信用衍生性金融商品逐渐在市场上出现,以供作信用违约避险之用。2006年末,美国产生次级房贷风暴造成金融泡沫化,可见信用违约问题对总体环境影响的重要性,也让担保债权凭证(Collateralized debt obligations, CDO)此商品在市场上更受到关注。金融市场主要是利用Gaussian copula/base correlation 模型来对CDO进行评价,但从前的评价模型所得到之结果容易错估违约损失,无法真实反映市场报价的波动情况,且客制化CDO因契约型态不具标准化,更是难以评价。因此,本研究采用Hull & White (2006)提出的implied copula来评价市场指数型CDO,因为直接使用隐含在市场报价的资讯找到相对应的copula,所以违约相关性(default correlation)也就隐含在其中,不需计算出correlation也能进行评价。本研究选定CDX NA.IG此信用违约交换指数(Credit Default Swaps Index, CDS Index)为标的之合成型CDO分券进行实证分析,此合成型CDO分券为一种标准型分券,因其标的资产相同且规格ㄧ致。本评价模型利用市场上流通性佳的标准型CDO分券之市场报价,故可完全反应市场上的情况,进而将此资讯运用在流通性较差的客制化CDO分券评价,像是bespoke CDOs 和CDO squareds等。经实证结果指出,本评价方法透过标准型CDO分券报价确实可找出符合市场报价波动的资讯。此评价方法不仅结果较为真实,且用法容易明白,因此对于评价、交易和风险控管等都是一个相当实用的工具。因为此方法不允许市场上存在有套利的机会,故此评价方法比Gaussian copula/base correlation 方法评价之结果更可靠。
  Asset Securitization originated in the 1970’s. As Southeast Asia and Korea’s financial crises struck the financial market, financial institutions could not collect debts because of the credit defaults caused by the bankrupt companies, and therefore Credit Derivatives were used to hedge credit risks. The Subprime Mortgage crisis which is an ongoing global economic problem started in the United States in late 2006 and began with the bursting of the housing bubble. It made major financial institutions face significant losses from investments in Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) or Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO). The recent market turmoil highlights the importance of the theme about credit default risks. For the various approaches to the valuation of CDO, the standard market model is Gaussian copula or base correlation. The market quotes observed through past models can not accurately match the actual volatility in the market because of wrong estimates of the extent of the default losses. For this reason, we use the implied copula approach which was first applied by Hull and White (2006). We no longer find the default correlations from the copula model, but imply them from the market quotes directly. In this paper, we chose CDX NA.IG to demonstrate how to value standardized CDO tranches. Standardization applies to both the composition of the reference pool and the structure of the tranches. We confirm that our model fits the market quotes exactly and make it clear to be used for pricing, trading, and risk management. It also enables non-standard credit derivatives, such as bespoke CDOs and CDO squareds, to be priced directly with market quotes for standardized CDO tranches. The spreads we find are more stable than those given by Gaussian copula or base correlation because we don’t permit any arbitrage.