標題: 全球專業物流服務業者DHL之發展現況與競爭分析
The Strategy and Competitive Analysis of Global Logistics Service Provider-The Case of DHL
作者: 鍾明穎
Ming-Ying Chung
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 國際物流;全球佈局;競爭分析;International Logistics;global positioning;Competitive analysis;DHL
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 企業為因應全球化的競爭,對於物流委外不再只是過去的運輸,更希望達成有效的供應鏈管理,積極尋求與物流業者的夥伴關係,一起合作共同因應全球化、供應鏈對供應鏈的競爭。為了因應企業供應鏈委外的需求,國際物流業者也勢必轉型為整合型物流業者來提供顧客多元化的服務。DHL當初以郵件快遞起家,之後憑藉的收購與策略聯盟來擴展版圖,成為全球快遞與物流運籌中的領導者。從DHL多元化的服務來看,其提供一站式的服務讓顧客享有多元化的服務,不論是在產品或服務上堅持最好的。在最新科技的應用上,DHL領先業界設立創新研發中心針對未來國際快遞與運籌趨勢,研發符合市場需求且創新的運籌服務。在全球版圖的佈局發展上,DHL總是較競爭對手先進入市場,不管從任何角度來看,DHL總是堅持要成為顧客首選的理念貫串在其策略發展中。在區域市場的分析上,我們也發現歐洲為主要利基市場,主要也是由於母公司長年在歐洲市場的經營與佈局,而亞太與新興市場這兩個地區是DHL成長最快的市場,也是各業者搶奪的一塊大餅,因此近年來大量投資在亞太地區。另外從研究中也發現DHL在全球版圖擴張時總是採行先進者優勢策略,同時也秉持著身為區堿貿易推動者的角色來擴展服務網路,DHL一直致力於推動區域經濟的發展,始終對於世界各趨勢來發展多種物流解決方案來幫助顧客滿足全球商業不斷變換的需求。藉由探討DHL的經營模式與全球佈局來給台灣國際物流業者一個參考方向。
In order to face the globalization trend, the businesses will outsource their logistics to professional logistics service providers. The content isn’t limited transportation and develops to supply chain management. They want to be a partner relationship and face this challenge together. Therefore, the logistic service providers have to be integrators in order to provide diversified services to their customers. At the beginning of DHL is a document express company and now be a leader of express and logistic in the world by means of merge and alliance strategy. From the view of service, DHL provides one-stop integrated service to its customers no matter what product and customer service it insists in providing the best. In the technology, DHL is promoting this new development with innovations for faster, more flexible and ecologically sound logistics which will be part of their shared future. They opened DHL Innovation Center to researchers and developers from all over the world can exchange their knowledge and design practical innovations for global use. In global positioning, DHL has the first-mover advantage in most regions worldwide. Its mission is to be the first in its customs to reflect its strategy. And the Europe and Asia market is DHL’s niche market due to its excellent management and positioning. From DHL’s strategy and global positioning, we know DHL always takes advantage of others strength to develop its service.
Appears in Collections:Thesis