Title: 氫能源的現況與展望
The Status and Trend of Hydrogen Energy
Authors: 裘惟立
Willie Chiu
Keywords: 氫能源;氫經濟;Hydrogen Energy;Hydrogen Economy
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 能源是經濟的基礎。石化能源在近代發展迅速,也造成了許多問題,尤其是石化能源的有限資源和環境影響。1970年代已經歷過油價的上漲,現在有限的石油資源和石油需求增加又再一次的造成了高油價。排放二氧化碳所造成的全球暖化影響了我們的環境。解決這些問題須要尋找新的替代能源。氫做為替代能源可以解決這些問題。氫和燃料電池在這會做不同關點的探討。
Energy is one of the fundamental building blocks for our economy. Through out the history, rapid advances in energy sector only occurred in the past two centuries. Fossil fuel energy appeared in 20th century dominated through out the century and continued into 21st century. Two main issues of fossil fuel energy are the finite resources and the impacts on our environment. Fossil fuel will eventually faces depletion as we continue to harvest resulting consequences in energy supply reduction and zero production of oil related products such as plastics. In 1970s, high oil prices made people realized their energy dependency. In 2007, oil prices raised even higher than 1970s, but not due to decrease in oil production. Carbon dioxide emission is tide with global warming and climate changes. This is an environmental problem caused by using fossil fuel energy resulting severe weather conditions. To find resolutions to these problems, alternative energy and renewable energy are being researched. Hydrogen energy as an alternative energy is one possible resolution. Different aspects of hydrogen energy and fuel cell presented in this paper allow us to have a better insight on the possibilities of hydrogen energy.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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