標題: 高齡者日常活動步道系統規劃
Planning the Sidewalk System for the Daily Activities of Aged Citizens
作者: 周依潔
Yi-Jie Chou
Yuan-Ching Hsu
Yu-Chiun Chiou
關鍵字: 高齡社會;日常活動;步道系統;Aged Society;Daily Activities;Sidewalk System
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 根據經建會推計台灣至2011年65歲以上人口比率已達到14%,正式邁入高齡社會。因此,當高齡人口逐漸增加,政府部門對高齡社會問題應採行因應策略,包括健康照顧、社會照顧與參與、經濟安全、就業與人力資源、老人住宅以及交通運輸與溝通等課題。而交通運輸為高齡者活動之基礎,因此運輸環境規劃與設計亦成為重要研究課題之一。 根據本研究調查得知高齡者生理狀態以持續力、肢體活動力及體力方面較困難,身體活動能力較一般人低,其生活範圍較小、日常旅次較單純規律,因此高齡者日常生活多以短距離旅次佔較大比例,如最常從事之活動以醫療旅次與運動為主,其次為與鄰居互動以及購物旅次,而外出活動最常使用之運具則多以步行為主,此突顯高齡者居住之生活圈步道系統對其日常活動之重要性。鑒於此,本研究將以高齡者「步行」方面進行探討。並由問卷分析高齡者之行為特性與生活型態,以及影響其步行之生理、心理特性因素,進行高齡化社會生活圈之步道系統規劃目標研擬,對老人居住之生活圈進行短距離範圍內之最適路網規劃與步道系統設計。 因此,本研究建立一評估高齡者使用步道系統之目標整合模式,包括安全、舒適與便利三個規劃原則,並以混用度、長度與干擾度作為規劃指標。其中混用度以高齡者步行空間寬度、輔助寬度與被佔用程度為評估準則,長度指標依據高齡者於其生理狀態下持續步行之舒適感受與步行至目的地的直捷便利程度為考量,而干擾度則由各交叉路口車輛活動與號誌設置型態做為評估準則。藉由模式計算各路段之綜合評估值,進行生活圈內步道系統之服務品質評估,規劃高齡者各活動節點最適路徑並選擇生活圈內步行之優質步道路線系統,進而檢討服務品質較低之路段,由交通工程與管理層面加以建議與改善。
An official estimation of the Council of Economic Planning and Development indicates that the percentage of elderly citizens, aged over 65 years old, will exceed 14% by 2011, indicating that Taiwan will become an aged society in near future. Undoubtedly, it is imperative for the government to provide a user-friendly transportation environment for aged citizens so as to enhance the independence and safety in their daily activities. Thus, this study aims to investigate the characteristics of their daily trips as well as their physiology and psychology conditions and then, based on these, to plan a high quality transportation system for aged citizens. According to the questionnaire survey conducted by this study, the daily trips of the aged citizens in Taiwan are usually much shorter than ordinary citizens due to the rapid decline in their physiology and psychology conditions. The trip purposes of them are mainly to go for the medical treatment, work-out, shopping and friend visit. Walking is the most frequently used transportation mode for conducting these trips. Based on this, this study dedicates to planning high-quality sidewalk system for aged people. This study proposes an integrated model to evaluate the level-of-service of a sidewalk network system in terms of three planning goals: safety, comfort and convenience and which can be respectively measured and expressed by the indices of degree of mix usage, degree of length, and degree of interference. A comprehensive performance index of the whole sidewalk network is then determined by aggregating the performances of all-pairs shortest paths determined by Floyd-Warshall algorithm. At last, the heavily used links with low level-of-service would then be identified for improvement. Corresponding traffic engineering or management improvement strategies for these links are also proposed.


  1. 651301.pdf

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