Title: 信用卡客戶利潤驅動因子及其影響力分析
Profit drivers and impact analysis for credit card customers
Authors: 曹青清
Tsao, Ching Ching
Ding Cheng
Keywords: 客戶利潤;客戶區隔;利潤驅動因子;多元迴歸分析;customer profitability;customer segmentation;profit driver;multiple regression
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 隨著銀行競爭日趨激烈,各銀行須採取有效策略以因應之,有些銀行採取購併其他銀行的策略以降低其經營成本;或成立金融控股公司以擴大其金融產品線,提升其收益;有些則採取專業產品(如現金卡)的經營策略,以擴大其經濟規模,進而降低生產或經營成本。 本研究則提出以客戶導向及有效經營策略切入,以提升企業利潤。由於不同客戶利潤區隔的利潤驅動因子不同,因此,為提升客戶忠誠度或有效經營客戶利潤,須根據每個分群利潤驅動因子來加以經營管理,以擴大企業利潤總和。 在本研究中以台灣某家銀行之信用卡資料四萬筆客戶為分析基礎,將客戶區分出六群(新戶及五群依利潤高低分群之舊戶),以多元迴歸(Multiple regression)為研究方法,及導入共同的控制變數,分別探索上述六群客戶的利潤驅動因子。 研究中發現:六群客戶之利潤驅動因子組合不同,故為有效經營企業利潤,的確有必要分群經營客戶利潤,雖然如此,六群仍有共同的驅動因子:年循環信用總金額、年消費總金額、年預借現金總金額及流通卡數。最後,根據各區隔之利潤驅動因子之影響力,我們可以進行下列管理應用:(一)、加強授權機制(二)、掌握經營重點(三)、建立合理驅動因子目標(四)、將資源配置得宜(五)、有效獎賞或督促。
With keen competition in banking industry, every player should take effective strategy to cope with such competition. Some banks adopt M&A strategy to reduce operation cost; some take financial holding company strategy to enlarge financial product lines and increase revenue; some head for specialized product such as cash card to achieve economy scale and reduce production and management cost. In our research, we propose customer-centric and effective strategy to boost company profitability. Thanks to the fact that different profit segments have different profit drivers, we should manage customers based on customer profitability to establish customer loyalty and increase company total profit. We take a sample of 40,000 customer records from a bank in Taiwan, then, segment customers into 6 groups (including one group of new customer and 5 old customer groups from high profit to low profit). With the technique of multiple regression and control variables, we are able to explore the profit drivers for each segment. According to the research, we can obtain the following findings: Firstly, as the hypothesis set, each segment has different combination of profit drivers. Secondly, the above 6 segments have common drivers like total revolving amount, total spending amount, total cash advance, and number of circulation card. Last, we can derive a model for each segment. With the parameters, the model can help us on the following management issues such as empowerment, effectiveness, business objective management, resource allocation, and motivation for accountability unit.
Appears in Collections:Thesis