Title: 廣告代言人可信度對消費者手機購買行為影響之研究-以台北市國立大學學生為例
The Study on the Credibility of Spokespersons for Cell Phone Products to Influence the Consumer Behavior—A Case Study of National College Students in Taipei City
Authors: 周吟珊
Keywords: 手機;廣告代言人;可信度;Cell Phone;Spokesperson;Credibility
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 近年來手機的普及率不斷提昇,行動電話從早期的通訊器材,演化到現在的豐富色彩、炫目功能,同時又帶有時尚感的設計產品,也因為如此這類產品在廣告的呈現手法上也突破以往的傳統,不再完全以功能訴求為主要賣點,而會採取代言人等等的行銷手法運用,讓消費者更為注目。本研究希望透過手機之消費行為,以瞭解哪些屬性為消費者所重視,以及廣告代言人的可信度又會如何影響消費者的購買行為。   本研究採哈佛模式為研究架構,以消費者基本特徵、購買動機、資訊來源、手機之產品屬性及廣告代言人可信度等作為投入變數,透過消費實態變數作為消費行為之描述,探討之間是否有顯著差異。本研究範圍所探討的產品,是指一般無線通訊中之手機產品;研究對象為國立大學學生,並將研究範圍限定於台北市,且為手機產品實際消費者。於民國九十七年一月間,對於上述研究對象作抽樣對象進行調查。   研究結果顯示,手機產品消費者在消費者基本特徵、購買動機、資訊來源、手機之產品屬性及廣告代言人可信度等,在消費實態上皆有顯著差異。
This thesis studies the cell phone customers' behavior, in order to understand what catches their eyes in any particular market segments. With numbers of case study, we can understand how the the credibility of spokespersons affects customers' buying desire. This study uses Howard-Sheth model as a conceptual framework. Demographic factors, purchase motives, information searches, cell phone product attributes and he credibility of spokespersons are used as independent variables. According to consumption reality variables we use them to describe the behavior of consumers. The samples are students who own cell phone products and study in national university in Taipei City. The place of sampling survey is at six national universities in Taipei City and the duration of the sampling survey is on month during January 2008. The results show that cell phone product attributes, demographic factors, purchase motive variables, information searches, and the credibility of spokespersons are significant at the consumption reality.
Appears in Collections:Thesis