Title: 中國大陸各區域之有效率的能源與廢棄物減量目標
Efficient Energy Savings and Waste Abatements for Regions in Mainland China
Authors: 李曜純
Yao-Chun Lee
Jin-Li Hu
Keywords: 永續發展;資料包絡分析法;能源;廢棄物;減量;污染;sustainable development;data envelopment analysis;energy;waste;abatement;pollution
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 能源的改變與轉換使得任何事情都有可能發生。我們買能源、出售能源,吃能源、浪費能源、儲存能源,更為能源而戰。能源是經濟活動的動力,它包含所有經過轉換而被使用的自然資源。但是過度地使用能源將引起能源短缺、能源危機、能源價格上漲及環境污染等問題。這些環境污染更將透過食物鏈而間接危害所有生物的健康和生命。 中國大陸目前正從一個耗能、低效率且嚴重污染的經濟發展模式過渡成一個節能、高效率且少污染的經濟發展模式。在新燃料及替代能源具可行性及經濟性以前,為維持經濟發展的需要,節能與減廢便成為中國大陸在制定環境政策上的兩大主軸。 本研究主要在計算2000-2003年期間中國大陸27個地區其三種主要能源與三種主要工業廢棄物之有效率的減量。本研究以單一產出項 (實質國內生產毛額) 與五個投入項 (勞動、實質資本存量、耗煤量、耗汽油量及耗電量) 透過資料包絡分析法計算出每年每個地區之每種能源的目標消耗量。相同的,本研究也以單一產出項 (實質國內生產毛額) 與五個投入項 (勞動、實質資本存量、固體廢棄物產量、廢水量及廢氣量) 透過相同的方法計算出每年每個地區之每種廢棄物的目標廢棄量。 有別於傳統著重於效率的DEA模型,本研究的主要貢獻在於建立一個投入項的減量指標,透過目標消耗量 (廢棄量) 與實際消耗量 (實際廢棄量) 計算出每年每個地區在每一種能源 (廢棄物) 上之有效率的減量比率。本研究主要發現如下︰1. 在2000-2003年間,東部地區每一年都最有效率於三種能源與三種廢棄物上。2. 上海與廣東皆處於生產的效率前緣並成為中國大陸所有地區的標竿。3. 陝西和甘肅擁有最高的三種能源減量比率與三種廢棄物減量比率,代表此兩者是全中國大陸最無效率的兩個地區。4. 在三種能源減量與三種廢棄物減量中,煤耗減量與固體廢棄物減量是中國大陸當前最緊急的任務。
Energy changes and transformations make things happen. We buy energy, sell energy, eat energy, waste energy, talk a little about conserving energy, and fight over energy. Energy, a motive force of the economic activity, includes all natural resources that can be used after changing. However, overusing energy will cause the energy shortage, energy crisis, the price of energy going up, and environment pollution. In particular, environment pollution will endanger the organism's health and life through the food chain indirectly. Mainland China is in a transition period from a highly energy-consuming, low-efficiency, and heavily polluting economic development pattern to an energy saving, high-efficiency, and less polluting economic development pattern. Before new and alternative fuels become available, improving energy saving and waste reducing are two necessities for mainland China to design national environmental policy while remaining its economic development possibilities. This thesis's main contribution is to create an input abatement index which different from the traditional DEA model. This thesis computes the efficient abatements of three major types of energy and three major types of industrial waste for twenty-seven regions in mainland China during the period 2000-2003. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) with a single output (real GDP) and five inputs (labor, real capital stock, coal consumption, gasoline consumption, and electricity consumption) is used to compute the target energy inputs of each region for each year. Besides, a single output (real GDP) and five inputs (labor, real capital stock, solid wastes, waste water, and waste gas) is used to compute the target waste inputs of each region for each year by the same method. The efficient abatements ratios of each region in each year then are obtained by comparing the target inputs to the actual inputs. Our major findings are as follows: 1. East area contains most of the efficient regions with respect to three major types of energy and three major types of waste in every year during the research period. 2. Shanghai and Guangdong are producing outputs efficiently with respect to the Chinese production frontier and to be the benchmark for regions in mainland China. 3. Shaanxi and Gansu have the high target abatements ratios of all energy and all waste, implying that the two regions are most inefficient in mainland China. 4. Comparing to the three major types of energy and three major types of waste, coal consumption saving and solid waste reduction is mainland China’s most urgent task.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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