標題: 影像之後-另一種空間詮釋
Beyond the Image – Another Translation of Space
作者: 辜達齊
Ku Ta Chi
Chang Chi Yi
關鍵字: 影像;抽象;視覺;詮釋;聯想;image;abstract;senses of visions;translation;association thinking
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 我們所習慣的可見秩序不是唯一,它跟其他的秩序共存。……獵人不斷的意識到它的存在,因此能解讀我們看不見的蹤跡。小孩子憑直覺感受他,因為她們習慣藏身在事物背後,在其中發現各種可見秩序間的空隙。 The Shape of a Pocket-John Berger 一般人對空間的認知,泛指的是實體空間。而實體空間在西方早期的哲學家亞以斯多德下過一個定義,所謂空間,指的是物體周圍的表面。而影像則是一種意象空間。在一般人的定義中,影像不具有空間三維的性質,是紀錄空間影像的二維平面。但透過人的觀察與想像,影像可能成為另一種三維空間的體現。 影像-是人對視覺感知的物質再現。透過不同的工具紀錄,影像以不同方式呈現。因此影像空間的轉換可以分為兩種,第一種是繪畫,早期人透過畫筆紀錄眼前景物,而繪畫呈現的是一種主觀詮釋,不同的作者對同一景物的紀錄會以不同角度的詮釋,觀者透過作者的詮釋引發不同的聯想。 第二種則是攝影,攝影在16世紀初被發明,相對於繪畫,攝影呈現是客觀的,作者的表現法不再是觀者對於影像聯想關鍵,而是影像本身。影像透過觀者的直觀的解讀後,此時影像不再只是一種平面的表徵,影像即為一個開放的容器,它可以富有深度、空間感與時間感,種種感受的連結全憑觀者的直覺與經驗。在影像之後,是透過影像解讀它背後的秩序,而創造出與空間連結的可能性,影像也能被抽象的詮釋成空間。
Generally speaking, people consider spaces are material; also, the western sage, Aristotle, gave the definitions in space which are the surface of objects. On the other hand, the image is a kind of imagination space which is composed by two dimensions of the material space image. However, through observing and imagining, the image can be translated into a three-dimensional form. An image represents the human senses of visions. People use different tools to record their visions and also to display images in many different ways. Therefore, there are two types of the image space. Through painting, the first kind of spaces is created. In the early period of history, people recorded their visions with pens, and paintings were personal translations; as a result, if the painter was different, the works would be different. People were inspired association thinking with works. The second type of the spaces is photography. Relative to paintings, photography which was created in 16 century is objective. The image here is a main key inspiring associational thinking in people. Furthermore, the image is an open container which comprises profundity, extensity and time; besides, it is not only photography but also creates the inner senses and experiences of observers. Beyond the image, people can create a space from reading the order behind the image which can be translated into an abstract space.


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