Title: 青少年身體意象困擾及其影響因素之研究
A Study of Body Image Disturbance and Related Factors in Adolescence
Authors: 陳俐君
Li-Chun Chen
Sunny S. J. Lin
Keywords: 青少年;身體意象困擾;身體意象;社會文化因素;adolescence;body image disturbance;body image;sociocultural factors
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract:   本研究旨在改編並檢驗身體意象困擾問卷(Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire, BIDQ, Cash, Phillips, Santos, Hrabosky, 2004)對我國青少年樣本的適用性,了解青少年身體意象困擾的現況,並探討社會文化因素(媒體、同儕、父母)、身體因素(BMI、自覺體型)及個人背景因素(性別、家庭社經地位)對身體意象困擾的影響。根據上述研究目的,研究者自編「社會文化因素量表」,翻譯並修改「身體意象困擾問卷」、「身體意象評價量表」(Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire, MBSRQ, Cash, 2000)、「身體意象憂鬱之情境量表」(The Short Form of The Situational Inventory of Body-Image Dysphoria, SIBID-S, Cash 2002b)及「身體意象生活品質量表」(Body Image Quality of Life Inventory, BIQLI, Cash & Fleming, 2002)等工具,並且參考國內研究者翻譯之「飲食態度量表」(賴靖薇,2002),作為本研究的測量工具。以立意取樣的方式,從南部地區四所高中職蒐集二年級的學生樣本共538份。   本研究結果發現,身體意象困擾問卷-台灣青少年版在我國青少年樣本具有良好的信、效度,此問卷適用於我國一般青少年族群。分析身體意象困擾的現況,結果顯示:女性在整體身體意象困擾及一般性身體意象困擾的程度均較男性為高,且自覺體型較胖的青少年其身體意象困擾的程度亦大於自覺體型較瘦者。此外,相關係數顯示青少年受到媒體與同儕影響及父母影響愈大、身體質量指數愈大、自覺體型愈胖,以及為女性者,其身體意象困擾的程度均較大。進一步探討各變項對身體意象困擾的預測力,結果發現媒體與同儕影響、自覺體型及父母影響(以預測力依序排列)對身體意象困擾均有顯著的影響力,其中以媒體與同儕影響具有最大的預測力。最後研究者依據研究結果,提出若干建議供未來研究與教育、心理輔導人員之參考。
The purposes of the study are (1) to revise and examine the reliability and validity of Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire (BIDQ, Cash, Phillips, Santos, Hrabosky, 2004) in adolescence in Taiwan, (2) to understand body image disturbance of adolescence, (3) to explore effects of sociocultural factors (media, peers, and parents), body factors (BMI, perceived body shape), and background/demographical factors (gender, socio-economic status) on body image disturbance. The measurement tools include: Sociocultural Factors – body image related Scale (author), BIDQ, Body Image Evaluation Scale (Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire, MBSRQ, Cash, 2000), Situational Inventory of Body-Image Dysphoria (SIBID-S, Cash 2002b), Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI, Cash & Fleming, 2002), and Eating Attitude Scale (Lei, 2002). Five hundred and thirty five students (11th graders of high schools and vocational schools in southern Taiwan) were recruited as participants. The results are as follows. 1.The reliability and validity of BIDQ-Taiwan Adolescent are adequate for Taiwanese adolescence so it can be used as a measurement of negative body image. 2.Girls’ total body image disturbance and general factor of body image disturbance are higher than those of boys. Body image disturbance of those who perceived their body shape as fatter were higher than who perceived their body shape as thinner. 3.Media and peer influences, parental influences, BMI, perceived body shape and gender are significantly and positively correlated with body image disturbance. 4.A regression analysis showed media and peer influences, perceived body shape and parental influences, listed in descendent order of regression coefficient size, successfully predict body image disturbance. Finally, several suggestions are given for future research and for teachers and school counselors.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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