標題: 探討多重表徵之呈現方式對高中學生「熱膨脹」概念改變的認知歷程與腦波變化的影響
Explore the Impact of Multiple Representations of Thermal Expansion Conceptions on High School Students' Conceptual Change Process and Brain Process
作者: 黃莉郁
Huang, Li-Yu
She, Hsiao-Ching
關鍵字: 多重表徵;雙重情境學習模式;同調性;拓樸圖;multiple representation;DSLM;coherence;topography
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究應用雙重情境學習模式 (She, 2002, 2003, 2004a, 2004b, 2005)之概念改變理論,針對學生「熱膨脹」的另有概念設計4組雙重情境學習事件,再根據多媒體學習認知理論 (Mayer, 2003),分別以靜態圖文整合及動態影片呈現方式,進行不同表徵之概念改變學習設計,以探討學生在不同的多重表徵呈現時概念改變的認知歷程與腦波變化。 研究對象為新竹市三所高中的高一學生20人,依研究設計分為靜態圖文與動態影片兩組,每組各10人,靜態圖文組以文字與圖片進行學習,而動態影片組則以影片與聲音進行學習,並在不同表徵學習前及學習後,以事件晤談法請學生進行預測與解釋,以明瞭學生概念改變情形,全程並蒐集腦波相關資料,希望一方面能促進學生概念改變,一方面能瞭解學生在科學概念改變歷程中大腦的運作模式,因此針對學生事件晤談結果、腦波資料(包括:大腦各頻率腦波功率、同調性、拓樸圖)進行分析,以期能進一步瞭解學生在建構科學概念及概念改變歷程中如何進行訊息處理。 結果顯示針對「熱膨脹」概念所設計之雙重情境學習事件,在兩種不同的表徵呈現下,均可有效促使學生概念改變成功;且透過概念改變歷程中大腦各部位θ ( 4~7.9 Hz)、α1 (7.9~10 Hz)、α2 (10.1~12.9 Hz)、β1 (13~17.9 Hz)、β2 (18~24.9 Hz)、γ (25~35 Hz)等不同頻率之腦波功率、同調性與拓樸圖之分析,可獲得學生在概念改變歷程中大腦的認知處理相關訊息;而結果也顯示當學生嘗試提出新的論點、認知產生不和諧及概念改變不成功時,大腦活動更形活躍;但所呈現之靜態圖片加文字與動態影片加聲音兩種不同表徵形式,在概念改變歷程腦波資料上則無顯著差異。
This study employed the Dual Situated Learning Model (DSLM) (She, 2002, 2003, 2004a, 2004b, 2005) to design four dual situated learning events for facilitating students’ conceptual change involving thermal expansion. One of the purposes of this study is to investigate whether the multiple representations (static picture-text vs. video-narration) would have any impact on students’ conceptual change. In addition, to explore the brain process while students involve in the process of conceptual change. There are twenty 10th grade students from three high schools in Hsinchu City involved in the study. They were randomly assigned to static text with picture representation and video with narration representation two groups, respectively. All of the students were interviewed during the process of conceptual change while their EEG recorded. The EEG was used to measure students’ brain process during the scientific conceptual change process. Results indicated that DSLM indeed facilitated students’ conceptual change of thermal expansion across four dual situated learning events and one challenging event, regardless any types of multiple representations. The greater brain activities emerge at the stage of reconstructing a more scientific view of the concept than to the stages of making predictions or presenting mental sets. Moreover, it also shows that students, who are undergoing dissonance with their pre-existing knowledge or not able to change their concepts, have greater brain activities. Again, students’ brain activities would not vary during the process of conceptual changes, regardless of any types of multiple representations were given.
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