標題: 開放式課程(OpenCourseWare)在台灣:交通大學開放式課程之起源、影響、以及台灣開放式課程聯盟之發展
OpenCourseWare in Taiwan: The Origin and Influence of National Chiao Tung University’s OCW and the Development of Taiwan OCW Consortium
作者: 李海碩
Lee, Haishuo
Chou, Chien
關鍵字: 開放式課程;交通大學開放式課程;台灣開放式課程聯盟;開放式課程檢定;OpenCourseWare;OCW;National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) OCW;Taiwan OpenCourseWare Consortium (TOCWC);OpenCourseWare Certification Test
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究旨在探討一、交通大學開放式課程的起源。二、交通大學開放式課程與其他提供開放式課程之亞太國家(包含中國、日本、韓國、越南)發展歷程之比較。三、交通大學開放式課程對於教師所造成的影響。四、交通大學開放式課程對於校內參與檢定之學生之影響。五、交通大學開放式課程對於其校外使用者所造成的影響。六、台灣開放式課程聯盟各校所發展的特色。 本研究主要使用訪談法,共訪談參與開放式課程教學或管理之教授四人、開放式課程辦公室助理二人、交通大學校內學生十五人、交通大學校外使用者九人、及台灣開放式課程聯盟各校負責人九人,共計三十九人。資料分析後歸納結果如下: 一、由交通大學的發展歷程指出:後續有意願推動的學校應尋找願意協助推動的教授與資金來源,發展屬於自己學校的特色,並可考慮以討論區與檢定作為發展的參考方向。 二、與亞太其他國家比較的結果發現:所有國家皆受到麻省理工學院(MIT)開放式課程之影響,但發展方式不同;在發展上應注意競爭關係,以避免排擠效應;資金來源則可考慮取得跨國支援,不應限制於本國(政府)贊助。 三、由教師訪談的結果顯示:於教學、研究、心態三個面向上都有良好的影響,開放式課程不僅可協助學生,也可以作為新進教師利用影片學習教學方法與技巧的有用素材。 四、校內學生訪談結果顯示:在交大開放式課程的特點上,開辦檢定可以協助使用者橋接高中課程、提前規劃大學課程,並成為後續課堂學習中的交叉參考素材。但結果也指出,即便有影音開放式課程,使用者還是需要課本輔助;討論區品質需要改善;且校方應該設法提昇檢定報名與應考人數。 五、由校外使用者之訪談指出,開放式課程可以突破原有教育環境中的諸多面向限制,但語言障礙(Language Barrier)依然會是需要突破的主要限制之一,故台灣開放式課程應將其受眾放眼於無語言隔閡、同文同種的華人界學習圈。 六、由台灣開放式課程聯盟所獲得的訪談資料顯示:起始學校會影響後續他校課程的發展方向,目前台灣開放式課程聯盟的特色為:影音課程的比重較高;後續想發展開放式課程的學校可考慮由原本具備的數位內容課程開始開放式課程,並考慮本研究由各校主要的課程發展重點中所歸結出的五大課程發展要素(受眾族群大小、學校特色、教師授課品質、課程是否為必修課程、教師具有意願);由領導階層開始開放式課程的效果則值得後續追蹤觀察。 綜合以上研究結果,本研究者提出研究限制、未來研究方法與研究議題。本研究涵蓋交通大學開放式課程的發展歷程與亞太地區其他四個國家的開放式課程異同資訊,足以作為後續針對開放式課程與開放式教育議題有興趣研究者之參考。
The research aimed at exploring the following issues regarding National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) OpenCourseWare (OCW): 1. The origin of it; 2. Comparisons of the development process among other Asia-Pacific OCW countries including China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam; 3. The influence it had on its participating professors; 4. The influence it had on students who joined its certification test; 5. The influence it had on non-NCTU learners, and 6. The characteristics of course-publishing universities in Taiwan OpenCourseWare Consortium (TOCWC). Interview method was applied to 39 interviewees, including four professors, two office assistants in NCTU OCW office, 15 NCTU students who joined certification test, nine non-NCTU OCW learners, and nine TOCWC member universities. The following conclusions were drawn based on the data gathered: 1. From the development process of NCTU OCW, it suggested that: sufficient funding source and initiating professors with commitments were located as vital factors. Institutes should work on developing OCW based on its specialities. The OCW course disscusion board and certification test could provide benefits in promoting and attracting students’ attentions. 2. From the comparisons with other Asian-Pacific countries, the researcher discovered that all countries were influenced by MIT on the initial development stage. Potential competitiveness among universities could pose hidden threat, and beginning as a consortium instead of individual institute’s effort could be a possible solution. Funding resources could be from other countries. 3. Professor interviewees suggested that OCW could bring benefits in the following aspects: pedagogy, research, and mentality. Therefore, OCW could be a useful resource for not only students, but also instructors. 4. NCTU Students interviewees who joined certification showed how NCTU OCW help them bridge high school courses, plan for university courses in advance, and use the OCW course material as reference in their class learning later in the semester. Research results also indicated that textbook might still be necessary for OCW users, and forum quality could be improved. Further promotion for the certification test could be considered. 5. Non-NCTU OCW users had demonstrated the possibility OCW has in eliminating multiple limitations in educational environment. Language barrier might be the largest remaining barrier, thus course providers should try to market its digitalized courses to the audience of the same language group. As far as Taiwan OCW is concerned, the whole Chinese-speaking society should be its target audience. 6. From the data harvested from TOCWC member universities, it showed that the first leading institute would influence how others develop, which might be the explanation for high video course rate in TOCWC. Institutes interested in joining OCW could consider starting with existing digitalized course content. Five OCW development factors (audience size, universities specialties, course quality from student evaluation, selective/required courses, willingness of participation from professors) were induced from TOCWC interviewees as course development principles. The influence of the participation from administration level required further clarification. Based on research results stated above, limitations of the research and recommendation on research methods and topics were proposed. The development process and comparisons with other Asia-Pacific countries presented in the research could be utilized as references for future OCW providers and researchers.
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