标题: 人类胚胎干细胞研究之法律管制及发明之专利保护
The Research Regulation and Patent Protection Concerning Human Embryonic Stem Cells
作者: 孙玉苓
Yu-Ling Sun
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
Dr. Hung-En Liu
关键字: 胚胎干细胞;法律管制;专利保护;公序良俗;专利范围;Embryonic Stem Cell;Regulation;Patent Protection;Ordre Public or Morality;Patent Extent
公开日期: 2004
摘要: “干细胞”为具有自我更新并分化为其他种类细胞或组织的能力,在新药开发、重大疾病治疗及未来再生医疗发展上扮演举足轻重的角色。在干细胞中最具伦理争议者则属胚胎干细胞,原因在于要取得胚胎干细胞必须对胚胎进行破坏。然而胚胎干细胞技术的发展为世界必然趋势,如何对人类胚胎干细胞研究进行有效管制,且不致对技术发展产生阻遏效应,正考验各国及我国政府的政策与智慧。
“Stem cell“ is referred to possess the capacity to self-renew and to differentiate into mature cells of different body tissues, playing very important roles on new drug discovery, incurable disease treatment and development of regenerative medicine in the future. The most ethics dispute of stem cells belongs to embryonic stem cells, the reason lies in obtaining embryonic stem cells has to destroy the embryos. However, the development of embryonic stem cell technology is an inexorable trend in the world nowadays. How to manage effectively and not to produce the obstruct effects in human embryonic stem cell research are testing the policy and intelligence of the governments of various countries and our country.
The present thesis was set out by the legitimacy of human embryonic stem cell research firstly. After deliberating the foreign legislation and reviewing the present relevant laws of our country, the validity of utilizing embryos to carry on researches and offering embryos legal protection was explored. Moreover, the issues of whether to enact a law to regulate human embryonic stem cell research or not and to propose the legislative suggestions about the research were addressed. Secondly, patentability issue of the results related to human embryonic stem cell research was discussed under confirming the legal prerequisite of human embryonic stem cell research. Whether the invention of embryonic stem cell research concerning the utilization of human embryos can be granted a patent protection after passing through the verification of patentability was discussed, too. If a patent protection of embryonic stem cell technology is denied only because the establishment of embryonic stem cell technology involves destruction of embryos that is to violate the “ordre public” or morality. The validity of such restriction is one of the issues that this study cared about. Following, the present thesis discussed the issues of when the patent protection of human embryonic stem cell research can be authorized, how to prevent the excessive expansion of the patent extent with the patent property rule that has already set up and to avoid hindering the continuing development of innovative technology concerning human embryonic stem cell research which is on the initial stage of developing and establishing. Finally, how to avoid occurrence of tragedy of the anticommons and promote the resource-sharing of human embryonic stem cell research while implementing the patent right of human embryonic stem cell is another topic of this thesis focused on.


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