標題: 機能性食品之管理及法規制度比較
A Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory Frameworks of Functional Foods
作者: 陳秀雯
Shiowwen Chen
Min-Chiuan Wang
關鍵字: 機能性食品;膳食補充劑;健康食品;效能聲稱;健康聲稱;營養聲稱;functional food;dietary supplement;health food;claim;health claim;nutrition claim
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著社會高齡化的趨勢、生活習慣的改變、醫療費用的高漲、食品機能性之研究進展迅速、替代醫療的抬頭、市場全球化及各國對於健康食品相關法令及制度的改變,機能性食品隱然成為下一個明星產業,為繼第四波網路革命後的保健產業的重要一環。然而,市面上機能性食品種類、品牌琳瑯滿目,水準參差不齊,如何建構有效的管理制度,提供消費者獲得足夠、正確的資訊,依其需要作出合適的選擇,是本文探討的重點。 首先,本文由傳統食品管理法規的歷史探討其中心思維,以及管理方式。繼而就已制定機能性食品管理相關法規的國家或區域,探討其制定法規之時空背景、管理制度以及施行狀況等議題。最後對於分別採取由標示管理制度的美國及採個別產品申請制的日本作一深入的比較。 基於以上的比較、討論,本文建議:在現有健康食品管理法架構之下,審查透明化,藉由公眾審議的機制提昇我國健康食品的品質與安全性;藉由建立不良反應通報系統、以及建構機能性食品及配料安全資料庫等措施,加強機能性食品的安全把關;強化與公平交易委員會、消費者保護團體等的合作,監控、嚴格處分誇大、虛偽不實的廣告;以及重視消費者教育。最後建議參考日本,制定台灣的健康增進法。營養與健康是基本人權。由國家發展的角度來看,國民得到適當的飲食營養,身體健康,減少疾病的發生,不但可以降低醫療資源與健保支出,更可提升國家經濟發展的人力資源。因此,有法令的依據,以科學資料為根據訂定目標,讓全部的投資有目標可循。而且,如此方能有明確的行政組織、人員編制,支援推展健康的促進。
Following the internet revolution, functional foods has becoming one of the major part of the next star indudustry, wellness revolution, for several reasons, including aging population, changing lifestyle, skyrocketing healthcare cost, rapid advancement of functional foods, the rise of alternative medicine, globalization of market and relaxing of regulations. However, the market is also not short of products with poor quality. It is hence the aim of this thesis to find out an effective regulatory framework under which products should be safe and adequately labeled, in order to ensure a high level of protection for consumers and to facilitate their choice. Starting from the history of the traditional food law, the core principle and regulatory framework of the traditional food law would be discussed, followed by a brief history of the background of policy underlieing the rulemaking, and their implications on market practicings. Finally, the pro and con of U.S. and Japan which are the two examples representing regulation sorely by labeling and regulation by product certification, respectively, would be compared. Based on the above obervations and discussions, the following are suggested under the current Health Food Control Act framework for a more effective management: (1) making the approval process transparent, (2) establishing an adverse reporting system and safety database for functional foods and ingredients, (3) strengthening cooperation with Fair Trade Commision and consumer protection groups for monitoring products with exaggerating or mislead information, and (4) promoting consumer education. For better public health and the substantiation of economic development with healthy human resources, the passing a Taiwanes Health Promotion Act will be the ideal goal.