標題: 即時交通資訊廣播車載網路系統之雛形
A Prototype of VANET-TMC System
作者: 蔡宗達
Tsai, Tsung-Ta
Yi, Chih-Wei
關鍵字: 智慧型運輸系統;即時交通資訊廣播;即時交通資訊廣播車載網路;ITS;traffic message channel (TMC);VANET-TMC
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 智慧型運輸系統建立在傳統的傳輸架構上,結合了資訊系統的高度技術和改進。而發展於歐洲的調頻副載波即時交通資訊廣播 (RDS-TMC) ,透過廣播系統提供交通資訊給駕駛人。然而目前的RDS-TMC 系統有若干缺點,例如最大訊息筆數的限制、只允許單方向的廣播方式等。因此在本論文中,我們提出透過車載網路 (VANET) 傳輸TMC 訊息的想法, 稱為VANET-TMC 系統。VANET-TMC 系統不只能提供雙向的溝通方式來達到互動式的交通資訊更新,也是一個具備可擴充性和地區性的服務。
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) combines high technology and improvement in information systems with the conventional transportation infrastructure. The European designed Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) is developed to provide traffic information to drivers via broadcast system. The current RDS-TMC systems have some drawbacks, e.g. the maximum message number constraint, one-way directional broadcasting. In this paper, we propose to transmit TMC messages via vehicular ad hoc networks, called VANET-TMC systems. The VANET-TMC systems can not only provide bi-directional communications to interactively update traffic information but also give a scalable and localized services.


  1. 653301.pdf

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