標題: 中國勞動合同法對台商投資中國的衝擊與因應
The China new Labor Regulation Impact to the Taiwan Inventor and Their Confront Potential Development
作者: 莊清喜
關鍵字: 中國勞動合同法;Labor regulation in China
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 中國於2008年1月1日施行的『勞動合同法』其目的不僅要保護勞工,其另一層背後的目的就是中國想以企業成本及經濟的力量迫使境內產業升級,淘汰不良及低端企業。而實施後所產生的衝擊,台商應如何面對,重新思考企業的定位將是將來長遠的策略,畢竟台商企業還要一直維持過去的模式作一個賺取勞力錢的代工者,繼續「逐水草而居」嗎 ? 本論文以作者實際管理中國地區公司的經驗為例提供自決策層面(包含產業投資層面、企業經營層面、人力資源層面、內部管理層面、風險控制層面、供應商管理、企業轉型及海峽兩岸政治變化對經濟的影響)和執行層面(包括整理更新公司規章制度、建立工會、招聘的變化、企業培訓、勞動合同管理、經濟補償金的執行、平時證據的收集保管以因應勞資爭議、維持良好員工關係等)的簡析以做為台商企業在中國投資的參考。
China executes “The labor contract law” from January 1, 2008 and its purpose not only to protect the labor, its another further purpose is China wants to push domestic enterprises upgrading and to eliminate enterprises with bad performance and low level by increasing private corporate costs and by the economical strength. But after execution, the impact arises, how should the Taiwan inventor confronts, pondering enterprise's orientation will be the future long-term strategy. Does the Taiwan inventor still need to maintain the past operation mode to be a generation of labor, who earned less payment, continue to seek cheap and large manpower? The author manages a company in China who provides his actual experience as the example both from the policy-making end (contains industrial investment, enterprise operation, human resources, internal management, risk control, management of supplier, enterprise reforming and the politics change between Taiwan and China reflecting effect of economy) and the execution end (including reorganization of renewal company rules and regulations, establishment of labor union, employment recruit change, enterprise training, management of labor contract, compliance of economical compensatory payment, collection of evidence certainly prepared for labor dispute, maintenance smooth relationship with employee and so on) by this thesis for the Taiwan inventor’s reference which invests in China.


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