標題: 多層次Web Base物件導向元件技術運用於ERP系統開發之研究
A Study of Multi-Tier Web Base Object-Oriented Component Technology Application on ERP System Development
作者: 張言行
Yen-Hsing Chang
Ruey-Shun Chen
關鍵字: 物件導向;元件;三層式架構;事件驅動;企業資源規劃;Object Orient;Component;3-tier architecture;Event driven;Enterprise Resource Planning
公開日期: 2007
摘要: ERP系統必須具備可擴充架構、易於維護及高可靠度,才能因應快速變遷的企業環境,提昇企業生產力與競爭優勢。傳統的系統開發將表單程式與商業邏輯結合,設計師需同時了解表單設計以及商業邏輯,無法就職能分工,達到協同工作來提高開發效率,也造成系統擴充性不足。一般系統在開發的過程也鮮少訂定開發標準,或是有標準而無法確實執行,導致後續系統維護困難。舊有的Client-Server架構面臨過多的連線時會讓DataBase Server無法負荷,造成系統效能降低以及穩定性的問題。 本研究提出整合3-Tier架構及元件技術及來開發ERP系統所需之開發元件。3-Tier的開發架構將表單與商業邏輯獨立適合群體開發,可以依職能分工,協同運作提高開發效率,並提高系統效率與可靠度;運用物件導向的概念將系統開發標準及商業邏輯介面建立於元件中,提高系統擴充性及軟體生產力。 本論文就ERP系統表單的特性,分析元件之屬性、方法及事件,並以物件導向方式建構Web化元件,將方法與事件建構於元件之中,作為系統開發之標準及商業邏輯之介面。並將商業邏輯由Middle-Tier處理達成3-Tier架構之運作。 本研究提出之元件可提高開發效率、降低開發時程及費用。所開發之ERP系統具有可擴充及易於維護之特性,可提高系統之彈性及減少系統維護之成本。
In order to support the challenge of the rapid changing business environment, as well as enhance enterprise's productivity and competition advantage, ERP system should be extensible structure, easy maintaining and high reliability. Traditional system developing combine form design and business logistic, the designers have to capable of both techniques, so that it is hard to divide the project by capability to achieve co-operative developing. Such system is insufficient for extending and efficiency. Generally system either seldom institute the standard or have standard but unable to carry out really in developing phase, cause system is difficult to follow up maintain. While in too many connecting to a Client-Server architecture system, both of the system performance and stability is decent evidently. The objective of this research is to design a component base on 3-tier architecture and the concept of object-orient for ERP system developing. 3-tier architecture separate form design and business logistic from system developing, it’s suitable for collaborative system developing. The work can divide into different task by capability to improve the developing efficiency and system reliability. The component assembles the system standard and business logistic interface by manipulation object-orient concept, improve the expanding and software productivity systematically. This thesis analyze the properties, methods and events of the component according to the characteristic of ERP form design, base on object-orient concept to construct the methods and events in the component, as the developing standard and business logistic interface. The component can enhance efficiency, reducing the expense and period during system developing. With the characteristics of extensibility and easy maintainable of the propose architecture, the ERP system cane be flexibly and with low maintenance cost.