Title: 以多評準決策創新模式建構數位音樂平台服務發展策略
Building a service development strategy for digital music provider by using new-era MCDM techniques
Authors: 施瑛秀
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 數位內容;數位音樂服務平台商;決策試驗與實驗評估法;主成分分析法;網路層級分析法;多評準決策;record company;digital music service platform;DEMATEL;ANP;MCDM
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 隨著音樂數位化技術的普及化與音樂儲存播放裝置的微型化,讓音樂隨身攜帶的現象越來越普遍,傳統以唱片型式的儲存方式逐漸被數位儲存裝置所取代,音樂的傳播或取得已不再倚賴唱片,反而是由網站下載或是直接線上收聽。由於音樂網站的普及以及服務模式的多元化,所以每個人很容易從網路上取的數位音樂,數位音樂的普及讓實體CD音樂銷售節節下降,音樂透過網路散播蔚為風潮,數位音樂服務提供與銷售的平台隨之而起,藉由下載的音樂銷售則在這十年來年年攀升,再者由於行動加值服務快速發展,行動通訊的收費機制有利於保障數位音樂出版能收到權利金,因此音樂出版商積極尋求異業合作,企圖整合行動電信業者、手機或隨身音樂裝置製造商,透過音樂服務平台推出多元化的數位音樂服務型態,滿足消費者不受時空限制的音樂使用需要,以吸引消費者使用付費。音樂出版商公司如何在版權保護與服務擴散間取得平衡發展,是目前所亟欲面對的挑戰,因此本研究試圖由解構音樂服務對消費者所創造的價值為出發點,試圖為唱片公司找出一些可行的市場發展策略與經營模式。藉由探求消費者對音樂服務的需求動機以找出消費者對音樂服務的評選準則,透過決策試驗與實驗評估法來分析顧客滿意構面間的關聯結構,其次運用因素分析法進行需求動機群組建構,並利用主成份分析來將準則依其屬性加以分類,運用多評準決策評估模式來找出減少服務落差的服務創新策略,並以此擬出合適的產業發展方向。本研究係藉由音樂服務平台推動行動音樂服務創新策略的擬定,進一步帶動產業服務品質的全面提升與加速數位音樂內容價值創造的契機。
The digital music downloading business has been expanding wildly. The number of people purchasing music downloads are on the rise. Digital music files (mainly in MP3 format) have become widespread on the Internet. Downloading digital products for free may harm creators and music publishers because it very easily to obtaining free-music through peer-to-peer on the Internet. At the same time, the functions of portable entertainment device as well as mobile phone have become powerful, which are able to carry bunch of music files. With the coming telecom infrastructure, the rising of downloading music from mobile device is possible. People can access online-music service platform either through cable/ADSL with their PC or telecom service with their mobile device. As a record company or digital music service provider, how to provide services to create value as well as to fulfill customers’ needs is a critical issue. The aim of this research is trying to provide a manage model of the functions of digital music service platform for companies which are or will run music downloading business. In this paper, we use a management model which combines DEMATEL、PCA and ANP method to propose the music service platform development strategy.
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