標題: 無線射頻辨識技術應用於高科技廠房消防管理之研究
The Study of Radio Frequency Identification on Fire Protection Management of High Technology Factory Building
作者: 呂水琛
Lu, Shui-Chen
Wu, Yung-Chao
關鍵字: 消防安全設備;無線射頻辨識系統(RFID);資產管理系統;fire protection safety equipments;radio frequency identification model (RFID);assets management model
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 對於高科技廠房安全來說,火災爆炸是最嚴重的潛在威脅,為避免此類事故發生,廠房、設備、管路及通道等都必須做好安全化設計,制訂製程設備的安全操作程序,規劃適當的預防與管控措施,以建立安全的作業環境與永續的企業經營。 基於公共安全與工安保障,消防安全設備的管理對工作環境或公共場所而言都是相當重要的工作。傳統上,消防安全設備的保管與維護等均透過人工作業以紙本表單來記錄,造成在檢修過程面臨諸多瓶頸,以至於在發生緊急事件之時,消防設備無法支援事故現場而造成財務損失或人員傷害。因此,本研究利用無線射頻技術,提出RFID應用於消防設備資產管理之模式,以協助安檢人員能確實紀錄與管理場所內的消防設備,並藉由資產管理系統輔助來支援消防安全設備巡檢作業,以有效降低公共安全事故之風險。 關鍵詞:消防安全設備、無線射頻辨識系統(RFID)、資產管理系統
ABSTRACT Fire explosions are one of the main safety threats in hi-tech factories. In order to avoid these disasters, not only should we instill safety in the design of factory structures, equipments, piping, and passageways, but also install standard operating procedures with safety as a priority. Furthermore, we should plan for precautionary measures in building a safe working environment and a sustainable future. The management of fire protection safety equipments has been one of the most important tasks in the field of public safety and safety environmental issues in the private sector. In the past, we used to record all maintenance information of fire protection safety equipments on paper. This in-effective method has caused a significant bottleneck in the maintainability of these equipments, leading to fire protection safety equipments not being available when they are in need. Therefore, this research provides a methodology to apply RFID technology with an Assets Management Model in order to effectively help maintenance personnel record and manage the fire safety equipments within the facility. It also utilizes the Assets Management System in the examination of fire protection safety equipments to reduce public safety risks. Keywords: fire protection safety equipments, radio frequency identification model (RFID), assets management model
Appears in Collections:Thesis