標題: 第四方物流業之服務品質評估 – 以B公司為例
The Service Quality Evaluation of The Fourth-Party Logistics Provider - case of B company
作者: 何維梅
Wei-Mei Ho
Cherng-Chwan Hwang
關鍵字: 第四方物流;服務品質;重要性-滿意度分析法;Fourth-Party Logistics;Important-Performance Analysis;Service Quality
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 「第四方物流」是一種新興的服務型態,但大部份國內物流業者礙於企業規模而無法達到真正全球化的經營模式,以至無法提供「第四方物流」服務,所以對「第四方物流」服務的討論也相對的比較少。本研究首先經由收集回顧相關文獻探討「第四方物流的特性」,再以個案研究的方式應用服務品質評估方法設計架構與問卷,並以重要度¬-滿意度分析法來探尋顧客認為服務品質需改善的項目。以來做為個案物流業者(B公司)改善或對服務再延伸性的參考依據。 本研究針對不同受訪對象的屬性來討論,以五個主要構面而言,依全體受訪人員與主辦人員而言,顧客認為B公司的服務是在「有形性」,「反應力」「保證性」,「同理心」是感到不滿意,而在「可靠性」,是感到滿意的。就管理人員而言,顧客認為B公司在「有形性」,「可靠性」,「同理心」是感到不滿意,而在「反應力」,「保證性」,是認為滿意可持續保持。 第四方物流業者為供應鏈與第三方物流的整合者,也是商業流程管理服務供應商及資訊科技服務供應商。所以第四方物流業者在全球運籌的經營模式扮演非常重要的角色。本研究的案例B公司就是一個非常典型由第三方物流轉型為第四方物流的業者,從此次的調查發現,由於現代企業快速的移動,顧客所要求的服務是廣度可遍及全球,又必須作到在地化的深度服務。第四方物流必須在「全球化」,「系統整合」,「人員專業的提升與服務的態度」的項目上多所著墨,以成為一個專業的第四方物流業者。
The Fourth-Party Logistics is one of the new service models since 1996 which is rarely discussed in public in Taiwan’s Logistics Industry due to the Fourth-Party Logistics is not popular using. In this research, we first study the literature to understand「The Characteristics of The Forth-party Logistics」,and apply the service quality evaluation to design the questionnaire and to evaluate the service performance of the case of B company. And then, using The Important-Performance Analysis to find what kind of service should be improved taking into account the customer considerations. In this research we will discuss the quality evaluation by the different duty persons. With the overall service, we find that all questioned & the incharge persons who feels satisfy for 「Tangible, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy」 but unsatisfy for 「Reliability」。As for the managers who satisfy for 「Tangible,Reliability,Empathy」 and unsatisfy 「Responsiiveness , Assurance」。 The Forth-Party Logistics is the integrator of supply chain and the Third-Party Logistics. They are also the business and information flow provider , therefore, the Forth-Party Logistics is in the very important position in the global logistics management. In this case B company which is a typical sample to transfer their responsibility from the Third-Party Logistics to the Forth-Party Logistics。In this research, we are able to find that the customer requests both of world wild and localization service with the business moving fastly. Being a qualified Forth-Party they must has the world wide net-work, the global operation system and the professional , mannerly staffs.