DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChing-Shan Yangen_US
dc.contributor.authorZ hi-Feng Liuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討傳統精熟學習教學法與討論式精熟學習教學法應用在高職電子學之學習成就及情意之情形。研究對象為桃園縣某國立綜合高中資訊科二年級甲、乙兩班學生,共66人,其中實驗組35人,控制組31人,實施為期四週教學實驗,每週三小時教學課程。其中實驗組採討論式精熟學習教學法,控制組採傳統精熟學習教學法。在實驗教學前兩組皆先進行前測評量與學習反應問卷,實驗教學完結束後,在進行後測評量與學習反應問卷,所得資料數據以SPSS統計軟體進行作資料分析,以獲得相關重要結論如下: 1. 討論式精熟學習教學法(實驗組)與傳統式精熟學習教學法(控制組)在「學習成效」方面均呈現顯著進步的學習成就(p<.001)。 2. 討論式精熟學習教學法實驗組在「學習成效」方面進步分數明顯高於傳統式精熟學習教學法(控制組)達顯著差異(p<.001)。 3. 討論式精熟學習教學法(實驗組)在「情意」後測得分表現高於傳統式精熟學 習教學法(控制組),並達顯著差異(p<.01)。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study aims at discussing the difference between two learning strategy: discussion-orientated mastery learning strategy and traditional mastery learning strategy. I examine the learing effects and learning affection derived from the two learning strategies through applying the two learning strategies to the vocational high school students on their electronics course. The objects of my study are 66 National Comprehensive High School students in Taoyuan County, among which, 35 students belong to experiment group and 31 control group. Each week, I implemented my teaching experiment for three hours and the whole process lasted four weeks in total. I adopted discussion-oriented mastery learning strategy in the experiment group and traditional mastery learning strategy in the control group. Before my teaching experiment, both groups proceeded with a pretest and a learning affection questionnaire survey in advance. After the teaching experiment, a posttest and a learning affection questionnaire survey were redone again. All the data required from the results of my teaching experiment were processed by SPSS Statistical Analysis Software and the following conclusions were incurred. 1. Both discussion-orientated mastery learning strategy and traditional mastery learning strategy caused progresses on students’ learning achievement.(p<.001) 2. Discussion-orientated mastery learning strategy(experiment group) makes even better progresses than traditional mastery learning strategy(control group) on students’ grades. (p<.001) 3. The performance of my students’ posttest from discussion-orientated mastery learning strategy(experiment group) is better than that of the traditional mastery learning strategy, making the two learning strategies a distinguished difference. (p<.01)en_US
dc.subjectLearning through discussionen_US
dc.titleThe evaluation of learning effects of learning through discussionen_US