標題: 研究人員人格特質、生涯發展傾向與衍生公司發展前瞻性認知對轉職意圖影響之初探
An Exploratory Study of Effects among Researcher Personality, Career Development Orientation, and Spin-off Development Perspective on Job Changing Intention
作者: 李成雄
Lee Chen Hsiung
關鍵字: 人格特質;生涯發展傾向;衍生公司發展前瞻性認知;轉職意圖;Personality Traits;Career orientation;Spin-off Development Perspective;Job change intention
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 中華電信公司(以下簡稱公司)為追求永續經營,透過事業多角化的途徑,由單一市場或產業,跨足到不同的市場或產業,推動員工內部創業以形成艦隊組織,衍生公司的成立,不僅是技術移轉及商品化的重要手段,也是專業研發人員發揮理想的最佳方式,擺脫母公司的包袱,追求屬於自己的經營策略,並能更有效率的與其他廠商競爭或合作,獲得更多外在的資源。 公司積極推動多角化經營的成效並不如預期,原因錯綜複雜,筆者因工作關係參與中華電信研究所(以下簡稱本所)推動員工內部創業,其中有關人力資源的工作,經由文獻探討,選擇影響轉(離)職意圖的前因人格特質為切入點,經由生涯發展傾向與衍生公司前瞻性認知變數,以多元迴歸分析(Multiple Regression Analysis)中介效果(mediation effects),來探討其間直接或間接的關係。即以新創事業創業階段組織層次的離職(turnover)的概念,將工作轉換意圖(job change intention)定義為工作者在組織層次上轉換工作的意願,採自願性的觀點,以求了解員工人格特質、生涯發展傾向及與衍生公司前瞻性認知對工作轉換意圖,彼此間正向直接、正向間接關係進行探索性研究。 本研究的研究對象係以本所現職之研究人員為母體進行問卷調查,以隨機方式發放問卷,共計發出250 份問卷,回收205 份,回收率為 80.2 %,扣除無效問卷共7 份,獲得有效問卷共198 份,有效回收率為79.2%。經過實證分析後發現: 一、人格特質對轉職意圖無正向直接影響 二、人格特質經由衍生公司發展前瞻性認知對轉職意圖無正向間接影響 三、人格特質經由生涯發展傾向及衍生公司發展前瞻性認知對轉職意圖有正向間接影響;深入探討衍生公司發展前瞻性認知的次構面則發現除“現職狀況”外,其餘均有正向間接影響 四、人格特質經由生涯發展傾向對轉職意圖無正向間接影響;深入探討衍生公司發展前 瞻性認知的次構面則發現除“公司未來發展”外,其餘均有正向間接影響 關鍵詞:人格特質、生涯發展傾向、衍生公司發展前瞻性認知、轉職意圖
The ChungHua Telecom (CHT) has long engaged in business diversification and promoted employee internal venturing to maintain sustainability and form a fleet organization. The establishment of spin-off companies represents critical means of transferring technology and commercialization, and also provides efficient ways to compete or cooperate with other suppliers to receive more external resources. However, the engagement of diversification did not reach the expected results and might be affected by various complicated factors. Based on literature review and the personal involvement of internal venturing of the ChungHua Telecom Telecommunication Laboratories (CHTTL), I chose to study the antecedents of turnover intention (i.e., personality) and discussed the mediation effects of career development and prospective of spin-off development on turnover intention by multiple regression analysis. Considering job changing intention as a turnover concept within the venturing business, this concept is defined as an overall willingness of workers changing jobs. With such perspective, the positive direct and indirect relationships among employee personality, career development orientation, prospective of spin-off development, and job changing intention are tested. Data were collected from the researchers of CHTTL. The participants were selected randomly and each participant was asked to fill out questionnaires regarding the research variables. With total 250 questionnaires delivered, 205 were collected (response rate = 80.2%) and 198 were considered effective samples after deleting 7 unqualified questionnaires (effective response rate = 79.2 %). The results indicated that: 1. Personality has no direct effect on job change intention. 2. There is no indirect effect of personality on job change intention through the influences of spin-off development prospective. 3. There is positive indirect relationship among personality and job change intention through the mediating effects of both career development orientation and spin-off development prospective. Besides current job situation, the rest dimensions of spin-off development prospective have effects on the aforementioned relationships. 4. There is no indirect effect of personality on job change intention through the influences of career development orientation. Key Words: Personality Traits, Career orientation, Spin-off Development Perspective, Job change intention.