Title: 局部挾置對平板振盪器的節線圖騰之影響
Influence of Local Scatter on Nodal Patterns in Thin Plate Vibrations
Authors: 郭政嘉
Kuo, Cheng-Chia
Chen, Yung-Fu
Keywords: 局部挾置對平板振盪器的節線圖騰之影響;Chladni plates;Influence of Local Scatter on Nodal Patterns in Thin Plate Vibrations;Chladni Patterns
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 我們用Chladni plates的駐波共振原理來了解Chladni Patterns在自然界中表面波、駐波共振和節線的關係。利用試驗Chladni Circular plates、Chladni Square plates 和Chladni Stadium plates來了解Chladni基礎圖騰。進而在Chladni Circular plates上加干擾物以了解其共振和節線的改變。知道干擾的影響參數可能有:( 1) 磁鐵大小、(2) 磁鐵位置。而且發現是乎有些原先Chladni基礎圖騰不會共振出圖案的頻率也多出共振圖案。然後發現放上干擾物時圖騰變的更豐富,原本對稱的圖騰對稱性被破壞而呈現另一種對稱。最後將這些圖騰分析探討希望這些圖騰分析將有助於以後的研究(如地震、 天氣…等)。
Chladni plates we use to understand the principles of the standing wave resonance Chladni Patterns in nature, surface wave, standing wave resonance and the relationship between the nodal lines. We use experimental Chladni Circular plates, Chladni Square plates and Chladni Stadium plates to understand the basis of Chladni Patterns. And then add to the disturbance on the Chladni Circular plates in order to understand its resonance and nodal lines change. Aware of the impact of interference Parameters may be: (1) magnet size, (2) magnet position. And find that is in line with some of the original Chladni Patterns not be the basis of a pattern of resonance frequency is also more resonance pattern. And then found that when placed on disturbance become richer when the pattern. An analysis of hope that these Patterns analysis will contribute to future research (Ex.: earthquakes, weather ... etc.)
Appears in Collections:Thesis