標題: 功德與長生:新埔廟宇祿位研究
Punya and Immortality:The Research of Temple Emolument Tablet in Sinpu
作者: 王鈺涵
Yu-Han Wang
Lieh-Shih Lo
關鍵字: 新埔;廟宇;功德;長生;祿位;宗族;功德迴向;再現;Sinpu;temple;punya;immortality;emolument tablet;paternal clan;parinama;recur
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究從廟宇中較常為人所忽視的位階-「祿位」出發,「祿位」是除了主神以及陪祀神之外為人所祭拜、為廟宇所供奉,其中同時包含往生者與在世者,並可經由對廟宇、地方有貢獻,或是以金錢買賣而得的特殊位階,藉由對於新埔廟宇中祿位現象的觀察,獲致新埔地區祿位的概況,提出新埔祿位的大致現象;接著面對廟宇的不同屬性,從中選取具代表性的三座廟宇:代表公廟原型的義民廟、代表公廟過渡型的與天宮,以及代表私廟原型的三聖宮,並針對此三座廟宇祿位名進行深入討論,經由對於祿位名的討論,歸納出祿位名中女性姓名較多的可能原因,並依據此三座廟宇祿位名對照新埔地區宗族現象,討論宗族與祿位之間的關係;最後,面對使「祿位」具有意義的神聖時刻:登龕儀式,經由登龕儀式的詳細描述,以及對登龕儀式中參與者、空間安排、超自然存在,以及神聖傳說再現的深入分析,獲致祿位存在的意義及價值。本研究主張「祿位」實則包含「功德」以及「長生」兩個邏輯,「功德祿位」來自對於社區有所貢獻,經社區認同後,由廟宇主動給予祿位,在這樣的原則下,「功德祿位」所代表的功德為社區、廟宇所認同;「長生祿位」則來自對於施主對於廟宇主動的貢獻,經由廟方同意後可取得祿位,因此「長生祿位」的永生來自神話的再現產生功德,並經由功德迴向而獲得神力護佑而來。
This research is based on the emolument tablet which is often ignored in previous researches. In addition to master god and subordinate god, the emolument tablet is also worshiped by people and enshrined by the temple ritualist. The emolument tablet is available for both dead and living people. Besides, a special position of hierarchy is attained either by their contribution to the temple or local community or by paying money. From the observation of the emolument tablet in Sinpu, the status of emolument tablet in Sinpu area is obtained and we could propose a model for it. There are three major temples chosen for different temple properties: Yimin Temple for the ideal type of public temple; Sansheng Temple for the ideal type of private temple; Yutian Temple for the mixed type of public and private temple. Through the discovery of names on emolument tablets, we could figure out possible reasons why the number of female’s emolument tablets is larger than male’s. According to the comparison of names on the emolument tablets in the three major temples and the paternal clan phenomenon in Sinpu area, we could discuss the relationship between paternal clan and emolument tablet. From the important process of enshrinement, we could understand the value of the existence of emolument tablet by detailed analysis of the enshrinement, the participant in enshrinement, the space arrangement, the existence of supernatural and the recurrence of sacred myth. This research concludes that the punya and immortality is included in the emolument tablet. Punya emolument tablet is given by the temple to those whom were contributive to local community and is accepted by local community and temple. Immortality emolument tablet is available by personal volunteer contribution to the temple and the temple accepts the contribution. Thus, the immortality of the immortality emolument tablet comes from the punya by recurrence of myth and the protection by god through punya parinama.


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