標題: 小說與人生:龍瑛宗〈趙夫人的戲畫〉之析論
Fiction and Life:Reading Lung Ying-Tsung’s Mrs. Jao’s scherzando Drawing
作者: 林惠萍
Hui-Ping Lin
Shu-chen Chiang
關鍵字: 龍瑛宗;通俗小說;台灣文學;趙夫人的戲畫;Lung Ying-Tsung;commercial novel;Taiwan literature;Mrs. Jao’s Scherzando Drawing
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文欲藉三0年代文學背景的耙梳,進一步釐出當時通俗小說生成發展的環境及其生產機制,了解通俗小說作家乃經由通俗小說來傳達個人的價值伸張及慾望表達。一向被歸類為菁英文學作家的龍瑛宗,在此一領域展現出其對文學形式的大膽嘗試,而發表了連載中篇小說〈趙夫人的戲畫〉的創作。龍瑛宗將此一具強烈實驗性質的作品置於通俗文學的消費場域中,目的是欲利用通俗文學生產機制所培植出的廣大讀者體現其強調文學社會性質的文學觀,及傳達其對文學技巧與形式的勇於試驗。同時,此一在通俗文學上的創作可以說是龍瑛宗對閱讀大眾的正視與體恤,他也希冀藉此文類的傳遞,加強其文學藝術的效果與議題力道。 在〈趙夫人的戲畫〉中,除了龍瑛宗極具個人風格的文學技巧展現外,其強烈的文學意識也經由小說的主題意識傳達。他透過筆下的虛構人物「龍瑛宗」,指出文學藝術指導真實人生而行的概念,且認為唯有文學藝術才能夠完整呈現出現實的人生。另外,龍以兩性「二元社會階級」的角色設定,展現出三0年代日治時期中上階層於教育資源的優勢及特殊的情慾消費生活常模。而小說中的主角「趙夫人」更是龍瑛宗刻意建構出別於一般的女性主體,並在文本中進行一種體制外的女性主體反思,傳達身為一個優秀的男性作家對女性的深切關懷,書寫出當時女性對從現存男性父權秩序中逃逸的強烈渴望。龍瑛宗在這部作品裡同時融合了現代主義與後設小說的技巧,其技巧的運用與其欲表達的主題思想相互緊扣,使小說亦能充分表現龍瑛宗強調美學的藝術風格。
ABSTRACT This thesis aims to further define the evolutional environment of the commercial novel and to realize the values and desires conveyed by the authors of the 1930s. Lung Ying-Tsung, hitherto referred to as an elitist literary author, ventured daringly, publishing his serial novelette, Mrs. Jao’s Scherzando Drawing. He targeted his literature - longing to express a literary feature that accented a concept of social concern– commercially, boldly presenting his skill and style to his voluminous readers who were already cultivated by the evolutional environment of the commercial novel. Moreover, his literature signified that Lung Ying-Tsung valued and considered the readers, and hoped to enhance his literary effects through the artistry and power of its contents. In addition to his unique individual literary skills, Lung Ying-Tsung manifested his ambitious literary consciousness through the theme of the novel Mrs. Jao’s Scherzando. He utilized the fictional characters to indicate the concept that literary arts often guide and influence real life, and that real life can only be presented completely through literature. Furthermore, Lung presented his characters’ society as divided by gender, revealing the privileges of the upper middleclass during the Japanese colonial period in the 1930s. The heroine - Mrs. Jao, with her specific female subjectivity created by Lung Ying-Tsung - was very different from the ordinary women of her time. The author also brought up introspection on female subjectivity outside of the normal social hierarchy, ultimately conveying a profound concern for women, and he described females as excessively eager to flee from the patriarchy of the time. The novel integrates the skills of modernism and meta-fiction linked closely with the thematic concept, so that it may adequately showcase Lung’s artistic style which seemed avant-garde at his time.


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