標題: 聚落、信仰與地方精英:以美濃二月戲為例
Villages, Belief and Local Elites:The Example of February Ritual in Meinong.
作者: 黃美珍
Huang Mei-Chen
Lien Jui-Chih
關鍵字: 美濃;二月戲;二月祭;地方精英;伯公信仰;Meinong;Bo Gong Belief;February Ritual;February Drama;Local Gentries
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 伯公信仰承自古代對土地崇拜的意念,是為台灣各地普遍的信仰。本文以美濃舊聚落瀰濃庄的伯公信仰為核心,探討瀰濃庄在地形、水文、雨量與氣候等地理結構下,發展出特有的「二月祭」與「二月戲」活動,地方精英透過伯公信仰與地方組織的結合,參與地方公共事務。本文並以日治末期的政治局勢變動為分界,探討地方精英如何在伯公信仰、國家認同與社群認同之間尋求平衡點,投入伯公信仰的推動及地方公眾事務的參與。 瀰濃庄建於溪流環繞的區域,即注定了瀰濃庄的聚落長期地理結構,也注定了瀰濃庄民世代為解決「水患」問題而產生的聚落結構。自清代以來,透過家族性嘗會與團練的扶植,提供瀰濃庄拓墾土地的資金與武力後盾,以家族為單位進行拓墾,家族單位成為社會運作的基本單位。在此穩定的社會結構中,伯公信仰成為居民日常生活的實踐,而二月戲成為凝聚人群的重要緣由。二月祭不但傳達了瀰濃庄對水的依賴和恐懼感,其界定地理界標的歷史記憶與嚴謹的祭祀組織,劃分了瀰濃庄集體社會的界線;二月祭同時也是居民對抗自然界中不可知力量的方式,並祈盼透過一次又一次祭典的呈現,達到對人與對自然秩序的重整;瀰濃庄人強調了二月祭對伯公信仰的祭祀,也建構出瀰濃庄內的公共代表性。走過兩個時代的地方精英在光復後紛紛投入伯公信仰的推動與實踐,透過伯公信仰參與地方公眾事務,並建立地方網絡關係,將個人在時代轉折產生的失落感,化為對社群服務的形式。
Originated from worship for earth, the belief of Bo Gong is widespread in Taiwan. Based on the belief of Bo Gong in old villages of Meinong, this thesis discuss the unique February Ritual and February Drama which formed and developed under the geographical structure such as landscape, hydrology, rain and climate. Local gentries participate in public affairs through the belief of Bo Gong and local organizations. How these gentries tried to seek the balance of Bo Gong belief, recognition of nationalities and societies in political situation and riots by the end of the period of Japanese Colonization is also discussed. Meinong village is built in an area surrounded by rivers. This predestined the long term structure that villagers have to confront the floods in their daily lives. Since the Ching Dynasty, family societies and legions have nurtured the fund and arm forces as props to develop the land. So, the basic units of development are families, which are also basic units of social operations. Under the structure, villagers have practiced their daily lives through the belief of Bo Gong, and the February Ritual has become the medium to agglomerate people. The February Ritual transmits villagers’ rely and fear toward water. It represents not only historical memories to define landmark, the exact ritual organization also demarcates the societies of Meinong. Besides, the Ritual has been a way for villagers to defy the unknown nature. Through participating in the Ritual, gentries rebuild local community network and transform their losses in times into a way to serve the publics.


  1. 851801.pdf

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