標題: 宗族與當代地方社會-以湖口陳四源為例
Lineage in Contemporary Taiwan Local Society: A Case Study of Chen Si-Yuan in Hukou Township
作者: 王鈞正
Wang, Chun-Cheng
Lo, Lieh-Shih
關鍵字: 湖口;宗族;社群;網絡;政治;選舉;禮簿;關係;Hukou;lineage;community;networks;politics;election;records of gift;relationship
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究以社群(community)和網絡(networks)的概念,以湖口鄉陳四源這個宗族為研究案例,探討在現今地方社會中,宗族內部的關係的建立,及如何轉換成其它形式,並提供宗族研究不同的視角。本論文共有五章,第一章為緒論,對於傳統的宗族研究做了一番檢視,並說明對於本研究有何不足之處,而加入其他理論來作為論述基礎;第二章對湖口地方社會和當地的主要宗族做個背景介紹;第三章以陳四源成員中,舉行婚禮和喪禮所記錄人情來往的禮簿為主要分析資料,分析宗族中關係網絡的建立;第四章透過訪談和第三章的資料分析比對,點出宗族的關係如何轉換;第五章結論收結。本研究認為在現今社會脈絡下,宗族關係的建立,血緣雖然是基礎,但是更重要的是平時往來的互動,這樣的互動包含了:對於宗族象徵認同下的祭祀儀式、成員間婚喪喜慶的勞力與禮物交換、生活上的一切往來等。而這樣的互動旨在建立關係,是神聖而不帶功利性,也只有這樣的神聖的關係建立後,透過了不同的機制的出現,才有可能轉換成其他形式的關係,例如影響選舉中的投票行為。這樣的聖與俗的關係轉換,都印證了客家俗諺:「行使會親」(hang si voi qin)。
Taking Chen Xi Yuan lineage of Hukou Township as a case, this research is based on the concept of community and networks to discuss the establishment of relation within a lineage and how to convert it into other forms in this modern society in order to provide different perspectives in lineage study. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter 1, the introduction, is the review of traditional lineage study and to illustrate the deficiencies regarding this research and to add other theories as a basis for discussion. Chapter 2 introduces the background of local community and main lineages in Hukou. Chapter 3 takes the records of gift books of wedding and funeral ceremonies of Chen lineage as the main analysis material to analyze the establishment of the network within the lineage. Through interviews, chapter 4 is the analysis and comparison with chapter 3 and to point out the change of lineage relations. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. The research concludes that the establishment of lineage relations is based on the ties of blood, but the more important thing is the ordinary interaction in the society of nowadays. These interactions include the sacrificial offering ceremony under the approval symbols of lineage, the exchange of labor and gift among members in the wedding, funeral ceremonies and jubilation, and all intercourses in life and so on. The purpose of the interaction is to establish the relations which are sacred, not utilitarian. Only after the establishment of the sacred relations, through different mechanism, it may possibly convert into other forms of relationships, such as the influence of election voting. Such conversion of saint and secular relationship proofs the Hakka proverb, the more interaction we have, the more intimate we will be.


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