Title: IEEE 802.15.4應用介面程式架構之發展
Development of an API framework for IEEE 802.15.4
Authors: 王世昌
Shin-Chang Wang
Der-Cherng Liaw
Keywords: 應用介面程式;非訊標指示模式;Application programming interface;Non-beacon enabled mode
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本論文之主要目標就是實現以IEEE 802.15.4為其通訊協定的應用介面程式架構(API framework)。我們將要利用現有的商用硬體平台去自行開發一個可以提供IEEE 802.15.4通訊協定服務的嵌入式系統。使用者將可透過此嵌入式系統來實現符合IEEE 802.15.4的網路架構。在本論文中我們將介紹IEEE 802.15.4通訊協定的特性和其媒體存取控制訊框及媒體存取控制層所提供的服務機制內容。最後將以無線感測模板DZ1612為硬體平台來發展規劃媒體存取控制應用介面程式架構,並且展示與驗證在非訊標指示模式(Non-beacon enabled mode)下的加入機制(Association)服務。
This thesis focused on the implementation of an IEEE 802.15.4 Application Programming Interface framework (API frame). In this study, we have developed an embedded system to provide service routine for meeting the requirement of IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) service functionality. Under the propose design, the user can build a wireless network which is compliant with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. In this thesis, we first studied the characteristics of IEEE 802.15.4 which contain both MAC frame and MAC layer service. Finally, we used a off the shelf embedded system board DZ1612 as hardware platform to develop an API framework for the demonstration of propose design specifically, for the association service in non-beacon enabled mode.
Appears in Collections:Thesis