標題: 階層式基地台合作技術之效能評估
Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical Base Station Cooperation Techniques
作者: 蔣宗廷
Chiang, Tsung-Ting
Wang, Li-Chun
關鍵字: 第三代合作夥伴計劃;階層式基地台合作;頻譜使用效率;能源使用效率;3GPP;hierarchical base station cooperation;spectral efficiency;energy efficiency
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 在本篇論文中,我們在第三代合作夥伴計劃-長期演進技術的環境下,介紹多重輸入多重輸出及階層式基地台合作之模擬平台的建構方法,並且符合目前第三代合作夥伴計劃的模擬結果。除此之外,我們同時去分析頻譜使用效率及能源使用效率。據我們所知,目前文獻上並沒有針對階層式基地台合作,同時評估其頻譜使用效率及能源使用效率的系統。我們發現,不同的系統在頻譜使用效率及能源使用效率上會有所取捨。在階層式基地台合作技術下,使用單一細胞識別可以獲得較佳的能源使用效率,然而,使用多細胞識別則可以獲得較好的頻譜使用效率。
In this thesis, we discuss the methodology for evaluating the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long-Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) environment, and give consistent simulation results with those from the other partners in 3GPP. Moreover, we evaluate the hierarchical base station cooperation (HBSC) systems and give some guidelines for designing the hierarchical cell architectures. Both spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz) and energy efficiency (bits/Joule) are investigated in our systems. To the best of our knowledge, research papers considering both spectral efficiency and energy efficiency for the HBSC systems in the LTE-A environment are rarely seen in the literature. We find some interesting guildline to evaluate the tradeoffs between spectral efficiency and energy efficiency in the HBSC systems. Compared with the single cell ID HBSC system, we obtain a higher spectral efficiency but a lower energy efficiency by adopting the HBSC system with multiple cell IDs.


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