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dc.contributor.authorLai, Yi-Syuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang,Shih Pinen_US
dc.description.abstract綠色產業活動在近幾年來熱鬧非凡,相關之市場投資如雨後春筍,各大型國際企業,如寶僑國際、IBM,更試圖將組織內綠色應用範圍系統化。美國前副總統高爾(Al Gore),所創辦之Generation Investment Management將出資五億美元設立基金,投資具社會公益理念的亞洲綠色新創公司。但是現今綠色市場狀態卻依然混沌不明,投資風險甚高,難以定義哪一塊綠色產業值得投資。企業在追求發展組織永續的同時,如能致力於綠色科技應用障礙突破,以此加值企業營運模式,更能深植企業發展潛力。本研究試圖應用George S. Day and Paul J.H. Schoemaker發表之期刊Innovating in uncertain markets-10 lessons for green technologies,此篇研究也立論在實地訪查P&G、IBM、GE、Air Liquid等等多間大型國際企業投注在綠色科技應用範疇的心力,結合由Timmons, Jeffry, A.提出的Timmons’ Model,去辨識研究個案公司的創業管理能力,瞭解其如何結合機會、團隊、資源三項動態因素創造綠色營運活動,加以探討個案公司如何在實踐綠色理想與創造企業利益之間,取得最佳平衡。 由遠東集團投資,小智研發執行設計之全球首座碳中和綠建築-環生方舟,讓台灣在國際間大放異彩,企業在追求商業利益的同時,也將綠色理念實際打造成一塊塊磚瓦,堆砌成世界永續的美麗圖畫。本研究透過訪談與實際進入個案公司學習與觀察,深入瞭解小智研發的營運執行架構,並隨之補足更完整之方案,提供可參考範例予欲進入綠色相關產業之創業體系。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractInvestment activities of green market is bustling in recent years, the large international companies, such as Procter & Gamble International, IBM, trying to systematize green applications within the organization. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, the founder of Generation Investment Management will fund 500 million dollars to invest Asian green startups, which operate with concept of social welfare. But the situation of green market status is still in unknown chaos, the risk of investing is very high, difficult to define the valued market. New enterprises in the pursuit of sustainable development, committed to breakthrough green technology applications obstacle to value-add the model of operation, deeply rooted more in potential development. This study attempts to utilizes journal -Innovating in uncertain markets, 10 lessons for green technologies, which is based on visiting P & G, IBM, GE, Air Liquid and other large international companies. Research their effort of green technology application. Combined with utilizing Timmons' Model to identify entrepreneurial management capabilities of case study company, understanding of how the case company to adjust the opportunity, team, resources, three dynamic factors to create a green operating activities, to explore how the case company to achieve an optimal balance between the green ideals and the creation of business revenue. Investment by the Far Eastern Group, design by Miniwiz development Ltd., the world's first carbon made green building - Central Ark, put Taiwan to be shining in the international community. Not only pursuit commercial revenue, but also put the green concept into practice, brick by brick, piled into a sustainable beautiful picture in the world. This study based on learning, observing and interviewing with key people in the case company, understanding of the operations execution structure for providing reference to people who wish to enter into the green industry.en_US
dc.subjectGreen entrepreneurshipen_US
dc.titleGreen entrepreneurship: A Case Study of MINIWIZ Companyen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis